Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Khối 11 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.
One of the problems with comparing the (14)______________ (CONTRIBUTE) of different
forms of transport is that they all take different routes. We looked at a hypothetical journey from
London to Naples in Italy and calculated the carbon (15)______________ (EMIT) released into
the atmosphere by making the journey by air, land, and sea.
We also considered some more (16)______________ (USUAL) options. Would travelling by
horse (17)______________ (ACTUAL) be carbon neutral, for example? A horse emits about 18
kg of methane a year. This is equivalent to 378 carbon units because methane is 21 times more
(18)______________ (POWER) a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.
Going on holiday by horse may appeal to cowboys, but our trip to Italy would take two months
each way. (19)______________ (SURPRISE), the car is the next best (20)______________
(CHOOSE), assuming there are three people sharing it. But for a single trip the train would be the
(21)______________ (GREEN) option.
pdf 13 trang Yến Phương 04/07/2023 1040
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Nội dung text: Đề thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Khối 11 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

  1. ĐỀ THI HỌC KÌ 2 LỚP 11 MÔN TIẾNG ANH NĂM 2021 - 2022 CÓ ĐÁP ÁN I. LANGUAGE Circle the correct option (A, B, C, or D) to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. A. islet B. habit C. major D. cuisine 2. A. abroad B. achieve C. absorb D. artist 3. A. bachelor B. emperor C. doctorate D. abundant 4. A. awareness B. distinctive C. vacation D. dynasty 5. A. preservation B. mausoleum C. optimistic D. magnificent Circle the option (A, B, C, or D) to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 6. Jack asked me whether I am going to have lunch or go out. 7. I reminded Joe sending his mother a birthday card. 8. Having used too many chemical fertilizer on their farm, the farmers now have to drink polluted water. 9. Deforestation is one of the biggest environmental threat to the ecological balance. 10. They denied having dumped lots of rubbish on sea. | |
  2. 11. Taking a gap year help students gain more experience which is good for their CV. 12. Professor David, who is the Dean of the Linguistics Faculty, teaches Linguistics at this university for more than ten years. 13. Will you mind if I open the window? It’s rather hot here. Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets. One of the problems with comparing the (14)___ (CONTRIBUTE) of different forms of transport is that they all take different routes. We looked at a hypothetical journey from London to Naples in Italy and calculated the carbon (15)___ (EMIT) released into the atmosphere by making the journey by air, land, and sea. We also considered some more (16)___ (USUAL) options. Would travelling by horse (17)___ (ACTUAL) be carbon neutral, for example? A horse emits about 18 kg of methane a year. This is equivalent to 378 carbon units because methane is 21 times more (18)___ (POWER) a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. Going on holiday by horse may appeal to cowboys, but our trip to Italy would take two months each way. (19)___ (SURPRISE), the car is the next best (20)___ (CHOOSE), assuming there are three people sharing it. But for a single trip the train would be the (21)___ (GREEN) option. II. SPEAKING Circle the correct option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each of the following dialogues. Mai: My skin is dark and oily. What should I do now? Liz: (22)___ A. I couldn’t agree more. | |
  3. B. No, please don’t. C. How about trying our masks with pearl extracts? D. We should have met more often. Ha: Well, have you tried mind mapping? In my experience, it is a good way to systematise your information. Chris: (23)___ Thank you. A. If you wouldn’t mind. B. Sounds good to me. C. What? You must be kidding! D. Yes, please. Kent: Thank you very much indeed, Chris. You’ve helped me so much with my presentation. Chris: (24)___ You’ve worked incredibly hard. A. I’d love to. B. No way, Chris. C. Don’t mention it. D. Well, I think I did. III. LISTENING 1. You will hear three short conversations. There is one question for each conversation. For each question, circle the right answer (A, B, C, or D). You will listen to each conversation TWICE. | |
  4. 25. What date will the man stay at the hotel? A. 13th May C. 15th May B. 30th May D. 31st May 26. Why didn’t Tom attend class this morning? A. His car hit a bike. C. He had an accident. B. He was ill. D. He had to work in the hospital. 27. When will the next bus Number 15 come? A. 12.20 C. 12.30 B. 12.25 D. 12.35 2. Listen to a passage about the Pacific Island of Vanuatu. Write the answer to each question. Use NO MORE THAN SIX WORDS for each answer. You will listen to the recording TWICE. 28. What is the population of Vanuatu? ___ 29. What do most people here live on? ___ 30. How many languages are spoken officially in Vanuatu? ___ 31. What is this group of islands mostly like? | |
  5. ___ 32. How high is the majority of the Vanuatu land mass? ___ IV. READING 1. Read the passage about tourism in Wales and circle the best option (A, B, C, or D) to fill in each numbered blank. An example has been done for you. It is estimated that in north Wales 30 per cent of all jobs can be directly attributed to tourism, but the fact that visitors spend their money in a (0)___ of ways has a beneficial effect on other things too. Many village shops would have to close if they were not supported by (33)___ from tourists, and the money spent on local souvenirs can (34)___ local industries from going out of business. Unfortunately, tourism also has disadvantages. For example, many of the roads in the Snowdonia area are extremely (35)___ and tourist cars cause traffic jams. Some farmers and local merchants complain that they make it difficult for them to do their work as car parks full up during busy periods and many visitors cause (36)___ by parking across gateways, etc. In addition, in the summer, thousands of people use the network of footpaths across Snowdon and its foothills. Often the grassy (37)___ is worn away, leaving rough stone or mud. This makes the paths hard to see, and it can be dangerous to walk on. 0. A. selection B. choice C. variety D. difference 33. A. fortune B. income C. wages D. wealth 34. A. prevent B. damage C. avoid D. hurt | |
  6. 35. A. thin B. narrow C. slim D. slender 36. A. struggles B. challenges C. obstructions D. obstacles 37. A. level B. surface C. height D. exterior 2. Read the passage about UNESCO and circle the correct option (A, B, C, or D) to answer each of the given questions. In 1959, the government of Egypt was working on a plan to build a dam on the River Nile. It was called the Aswan Dam, and it was intended to generate electricity and allow the river water to be used for agriculture. There was one big problem with the plan, though. The dam would flood a nearby valley that contained ancient Egyptian treasures, including two enormous stone temples. It can be difficult for governments to choose culture and history over economics. However, if countries always made decisions like this, the majority of the world's ancient sites would end up being destroyed. Luckily, UNESCO stepped in. They formed a committee that tried to convince Egypt to protect its ancient treasures. With support from many countries, they were finally successful. The huge temples were carefully removed from their original site and moved to a safe location so that the dam could be built. After their success in saving the temples in Egypt, UNESCO went on to save more sites around the world. They protected lagoons in Venice, ruins in Pakistan, and temples in Indonesia. With industrialisation changing the world rapidly, there were many sites that needed to be saved. Eventually, UNESCO formed the World Heritage Organisation to protect important natural and historic sites wherever it was necessary. By now, the World Heritage Organisation has protected hundreds of sites ranging from beautiful natural islands to buildings in large cities and ancient ruins. If you're able to visit any of the many protected sites, you'll agree it was worth it. | |
  7. 38. What is the best title for the passage? A. UNESCO C. UNESCO to develop B. UNESCO to succeed D. UNESCO to rescue 39. The word “this” in paragraph 2 refers to ___. A. culture C. country B. decision D. economics 40. What is meant by the first sentence of the second paragraph? A. Most governments prefer to sell their treasures. B. Money sometimes seems more important than all other things. C. Governments are never able to consider two things at once. D. Governments usually don't know anything about their culture. 41. Why did UNESCO get involved in Egypt? A. Egypt was planning to build a dam that would harm ancient temples. B. Egypt was planning to build a valley for agriculture and electricity. C. Egypt was planning to create a dam right on top of an ancient temple. D. When the dam flooded a valley, several treasures were discovered. 42. Why is the World Heritage Organisation more important now than it would have been 200 years ago? A. Countries didn't cooperate in the past. B. Cities were smaller back then. | |
  8. C. There were not as many interesting sites 200 years ago. D. Modern business and production are changing the world. V. WRITING 1. For each question, write a new sentence so that it means the same as the original one. You must use the given word. An example has been done for you. 0. Daniel started Italian classes six months ago. (FOR) -> Daniel’s had Italian classes for six months. 43. “You should take a yoga class to relieve stress, Van,” her doctor said. (ADVISED) -> ___ 44. She complains all the time about the teachers. (KEEP) -> ___ 45. It was difficult for Sarah to learn to read in Japanese. (DIFFICULTY) -> ___ 46. “I didn’t follow my doctor’s advice,” the patient said. (ADMITTED) -> ___ 47. Chiara spent years trying to pass the First Certificate exam. (TOOK) -> ___ 2. Write a paragraph (100-120 words) on the following topic Doing regular exercise is beneficial to young people. | |
  9. Give reasons and/or examples to support your points. ĐÁP ÁN I. LANGUAGE Circle the correct option (A, B, C, or D) to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions. 1. D 2. D 3. D 4. D 5. D Circle the option (A, B, C, or D) to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions. 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. A Complete the text with the correct form of the words in brackets.\ 14. Contribution 15. emission 16. unusual 17. actually 18. powerful 19. Surprisingly 20. choice 21. greenest II. SPEAKING Circle the correct option (A, B, C, or D) to complete each of the following dialogues. | |
  10. 22. C 23. B 24. C III. LISTENING 1. You will hear three short conversations. There is one question for each conversation. For each question, circle the right answer (A, B, C, or D). You will listen to each conversation TWICE. 25. C 26. C 27. C Conversation 1: Receptionist: Hello, Lotus hotel. How may I help you? Man: Hi, I telephoned yesterday to make a booking for two single rooms on 13th May. I’d like to change the date as my flight has been cancelled. Receptionist: What date would you like to change, Sir? Man: I want to reserve the room two days later, on 15th May. Conversation 2: Boy 1: I didn’t see Tom in class this morning. Do you know why he was absent? Boy 2: He is in hospital now. Boy 1: What happened? Boy 2: A car hit him while he was riding home after school yesterday. Conversation 3: Girl: Excuse me, could you tell me which bus I should take to Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum? | |
  11. Man: Oh, the bus Number 15 has just left but you can wait for the next one. Girl: It’s ten past twelve. When will the next bus come? Boy: That bus comes every twenty-five minutes so it will be here in about twenty minutes. 2. Listen to a passage about the Pacific Island of Vanuatu. Write the answer to each question. Use NO MORE THAN SIX WORDS for each answer. You will listen to the recording TWICE. 28. 200,000 29. agriculture 30. 3 (languages) 31. mountainous and volcanic 32. a few feet above the waves Vanuatu is a group of about 15 islands divided into six provinces which can be found around 1700 kilometres from the eastern coast of Australia. Its capital city is called Port Vila, which has a population of more or less 30,000. The total population in Vanuatu is some 200,000. Many of the islands of Vanuatu have been inhabited for thousands of years, the oldest archaeological evidence found dating to 2000 BC. Its economy is based primarily on agriculture, which provides a living for 65% of the population. Fishing, offshore financial services, and tourism are the other main supporters of the economy. About 50,000 tourists visit the island group annually. There are three official languages: English, French and Bislama. In addition, over one hundred local languages are spoken on the islands. Most of the islands are mountainous and of volcanic origin, and have a tropical or sub-tropical climate. The highest point in Vanuatu is Mount Tabwemasana, at 1879 m. There are several active volcanoes in Vanuatu, including Lopevi as well as several underwater ones. The future for Vanuatu is very uncertain. Global warming and the threat of rising sea levels | |
  12. put this group of islands in imminent danger. Much of the Vanuatuland mass lies just a few feet above the waves. If sea levels do continue to rise at current rates, the inhabitants of Vanuatu may be seeking refuge in New Zealand or Australia before the end of the century. IV. READING 1. Read the passage about tourism in Wales and circle the best option (A, B, C, or D) to fill in each numbered blank. An example has been done for you. 33. B 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. B 38. D 39. B 40. C 41. A 42. D V. WRITING 1. For each question, write a new sentence so that it means the same as the original one. You must use the given word. 43. Van’s doctor advised her to take a yoga class to relieve stress. 44. She keeps complaining about the teachers. 45. Sarah had difficulty (in) learning to read in Japanese. 46. The patient admitted not following his/her doctor’s advice. 47. It took Chiara years to pass the First Certificate exam. 2. Write a paragraph (100-120 words) on the following topic Sample writing Exercising daily helps young people live a healthier life by keeping the body at a healthy weight, and giving them plenty of energy to get through life. One of the main reasons to exercise is to control body weight. Obesity occurs when a person takes in more calories than they use. This can | |
  13. happen by overeating, eating fatty foods, and not being physically active. It has been proven that slower paced exercises, those that last longer, will help a person achieve faster weight loss than the high paced exercises. Another reason to exercise is it boosts energy, and improves moods. Several studies have shown that daily exercise helps improve moods of those suffering from mild to moderate depression. Exercises can also help a person gain confidence, and allow them to get more social interaction. In summary, physical exercise is beneficial to young people, so they should do it regularly. (149 words) | |