4 Đề thi học kì 1 Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Trường THPT Nguyễn Thị Định (Có đáp án)

18__________out of the window, he saw the cat climbing over the fence. 
A. Look                             B. Being looked          C. Looking                  D. To look 
19. They volunteer to work in remote or_______areas to provide education for children. 
A. mountain                      B. mountainous           C. high                        D. low 
20. _______in some developing countries may be the cause of poverty and hunger. 
A.Modernization                 B.Literacy                   C.Pollution                  D.Overpopulation 
21. They …. on the street when it rained 
A. was walking                 B. walked                    C. walks                      D. were walking 
22. What would you like to drink? - __________ 
A. Thank  you                    B. Coffee, please         C. Yes, please             D. No, I don’t 
23. How many _______ are there in the competition? 
A. participates                   B. participants             C. participations          D. participating 
24. I would like to take part in the competitions like these? 
A. contests                          B. rivals                       C. participation           D. races 
25. My brother suggested _________ to the movies tonight. 
A. to go                             B. going                        C. go                                 D. goes        
26. Your idea is quite different _______ mine. 
A. to                                    B. with                       C. about                       D. from 
27.   My friends congratulated me _______the final examination. 
A. passing                         B. for passing              C. about passing            D. on passing 
28. The lawn needs mowing again. 
A. repairing                         B. making                   C. bending                   D. cutting 
29. Banh Chung is made_________ sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork. 
A. on                                   B. from                        C. with                        D. by
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Nội dung text: 4 Đề thi học kì 1 Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Trường THPT Nguyễn Thị Định (Có đáp án)

  1. ĐỀ THI HỌC KÌ 1 NĂM HỌC 2021-2022 TRƯỜNG THPT NGUYỄN THỊ ĐỊNH MÔN: TIẾNG ANH 11 (Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề) 1. Đề số 1 Question 1: Choose a word in each line that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest: 1. A. agree B. arrange C. area D. award 2. A. changeable B. chemistry C. champion D. church 3. A. usually B. unhealthy C. usefulness D. university 4. A. whole B. whale C. water D. window Question 2: choose a word in each line that has the different stress pattern. 5. A. floppy B. idol C. cotton D. decide 6. A. extremely B. excited C. personal D. imagine 7. A. sneaky B. notice C. open D. around 8. A. birthday B. reply C. schoolbag D. money Question 3: Choose the best answer to fill in each gap to complete the sentences. 9.Those ladies often go to pagoda to pray ___ happiness and luck. A. for B. to C. on D. into 10. Of the three sisters, Mary is the most beautiful ___ . A. someone B. anyone C. everyone D. one 11.The whole family usually try to get-together at Christmas. A. contact B. gather C. relate D.communicate 12.Tet is a ___ occasiom for all members of famillies to gather. A. special B. specially C. specialize D. specializing 13-.A: Would you like some more tea?-B:___ A. Yes, thanks B. No, please. C. Yes, please D. You are welcome 14. Would you mind___for a moment ? A. waits B. waiting C. to wait D. wait 15. John ___ helping him carrying the package A. thanked me for B. asked me to C. told me to thank D. said thank you me 16. John suggested ___to the new branch in Vietnam A. appointing B. to appoint C. being appointed D. to be appointed 17. ___ is the day when people celebrate the largest full moon in the year A. Thanksgiving B. Valentine’s Day C.Mid-Autumn FestivalD.Tet holiday Trang | 1
  2. 18___out of the window, he saw the cat climbing over the fence. A. Look B. Being looked C. Looking D. To look 19. They volunteer to work in remote or___areas to provide education for children. A. mountain B. mountainous C. high D. low 20. ___in some developing countries may be the cause of poverty and hunger. A.Modernization B.Literacy C.Pollution D.Overpopulation 21. They . on the street when it rained A. was walking B. walked C. walks D. were walking 22. What would you like to drink? - ___ A. Thank you B. Coffee, please C. Yes, please D. No, I don’t 23. How many ___ are there in the competition? A. participates B. participants C. participations D. participating 24. I would like to take part in the competitions like these? A. contests B. rivals C. participation D. races 25. My brother suggested ___ to the movies tonight. A. to go B. going C. go D. goes 26. Your idea is quite different ___ mine. A. to B. with C. about D. from 27. My friends congratulated me ___the final examination. A. passing B. for passing C. about passing D. on passing 28. The lawn needs mowing again. A. repairing B. making C. bending D. cutting 29. Banh Chung is made___ sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork. A. on B. from C. with D. by Question 4: There is a mistake in four underlined parts of each sentence. Find the mistake: 30. My brother has always dreamed to be a famous film star . A B C D 31. The rain prevented us for climbing to the top of the mountain A B C D 32. If you came to my party yesterday, you would have seen your former friend. A B C D 33. Who suggested come here for the picnic ? A B C D 34. Could you telling me the way to the post office? A B C D Trang | 2
  3. Question5: Read the following passage then choose the word A,B,C or D that best fits each of the blank spaces. More and more young people are (35) voluntary work abroad. The wild variety of jobs and destinations available is making it an increasingly attractive option for those who have just left school and have a year free before university. Many choose to spend these twelve months working in poor countries. There they will earn little (36) no money. But they will be doing something useful - and enjoying the experience. The work may (37) of helping the local communities, for example by helping to build new road or provide water supplies to isolated rural villages. Other projects may concentrate more on conservation or environmental protection. (38) kind of job it is, it is certain to be (39) and worthwhile, and an experience that will never be forgotten. 35.A. doing B. making C. taking D. getting 36. A. with B. but C. or D. and 37.A. consist B. include C. contain D. involve 38. A. Any B. What C. However D. Whatever 39. A. challenging B. dangerous C. difficult D. attracted Question6: Read the following passage, then choose the item (A, B, C or D)that best answer each of the question about it: Every four years people all over the world watch the Olympic Games. It is a time for all kinds of people to unite in peace. Some of them join together to compete for gold medals. Millions of other people watch them on television. Why do we have the Olympic? How did they begin? The first Olympic Games were in Greece in 776 B.C. There was only one event. People ran a nice the length of the stadium. The Games lasted one day. Slowly people added more events. The Games were only for men, and women could not even watch them. Only Greeks competed. They came from all parts of the Greek world. The time of the Games way; a time of peace, and government let everyone travel safely. The winners became national heroes. The first modem Games were in 1896 in Athens. The Greeks built a new stadium for the competition. Athletes from several countries competed. Then there were Olympics every four years in different cities in Europe and the United States until 1952. After that they were in Melbourne, Tokyo, Mexico City, and Montreal besides in European cities. Each year there were athletes from more nations. The first Winter Olympics were in 1924. The athletes compete in skiing and other winter sports. 40.How often do people all over the world watch the Olympic Games ? A.every 4 years B. 4 years C.2 years D. every 4 year 41. Where were the cities where the Olympics were held between 1896 and 1952? A. In European and South American countries. B. In European countries only. C. In European countries and the United States. D. In Japan, Australia and North American and European countries 42. How long after the founding of the modern Olympics were the Winter Olympics introduced? Trang | 3
  4. should put aside a need to find a “one and only”. If you're dating casually, you don't expect a relationship to become a romance. You have fun; you do a variety of things with a variety of people. On the other hand, steady dating means the couple is exclusive with one another. They expect each other not to date anyone else or to be emotionally or physically close with other people. Couples who date seriously consider the future, because there is a real possibility they could stay together. This is the kind of dating the Church encourages young adults (generally, people in their 20s) to progress toward, because that's the age when they should be thinking of marrying. You should avoid becoming exclusive as teenagers, because an exclusive relationship requires a high level of commitment from both partners, and you're not in a position to make that kind of commitment as teens – neither emotionally, physically, nor in terms of your future plans. As President Boyd K. Packer, President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, has said to youth, “Avoid steady dating. Steady dating is courtship, and surely the beginning of courtship ought to be delayed until you have emerged from your teens”. 31. It can be inferred from the first paragraph that ___. A. dating doesn't mean having exclusive boyfriend or girlfriend B. teenagers are supposed to have a steady boyfriend or girlfriend C. teenagers date as many boyfriends or girlfriends as they can D. young people shouldn't be allowed to date at 16 32. The word “aced” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ___. A. gave up B. misled C. succeeded in D. understood 33. According to the passage, what is NOT true about casual dating? A. You can be friend with each other. B. You don't pair off exclusively. C. You find your "one and only”. D. You meet different kinds of people. 34. It is stated in the passage that steady dating ___. A. includes a variety of things with a variety of people B. is courtship that you ought to have in your teens C. requires hardly any commitment D. suits people who are in their 20s 35. Which of the following would serve as the best title for the passage? A. At what age are young people allowed to date? B. Casual dating or steady dating. C. Make your teenage dating by keeping it casual. D. Popular kinds of dating for teenagers. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions. 36. John lied to Linda. She didn't know the reason. A. Linda didn't believe that John lied to her. B. Linda didn't know how John lied to her. C. Linda didn't know that John lied to her. Trang | 10
  5. D. Linda didn't know what John lied for. 37. She is so attractive. Many boys run after her. A. So attractive is shę many boys that run after her. B. So attractive is she that many boys run after her. C. So attractive she is that many boys run after her. D. So that attractive she is many boys run after her. 38. The room became hotter and hotter. I had to take off my sweater. A. Unless the room became hotter and hotter, I had to take off my sweater. B. Although the room became hotter and hotter, I had to take off my sweater. C. The room became hotter and hotter but I had to take off my sweater. D. The room became hotter and hotter so I had to take off my sweater. 39. He worked the whole night last night. His eyes are red now. A. If he didn't work the whole night, his eyes wouldn't be red now. B. Unless he worked the whole night last night, his eyes were red now. C. If he hadn't worked the whole night last night, his eyes wouldn't be red now. D. He worked the whole night last night otherwise his eyes were red now. 40. A Vietnamese ex-student of Oxford University has established a foundation. This aims to construct bridges to facilitate travel in isolated communities. A. A Vietnamese ex-student of Oxford University has established a foundation to construct bridges to facilitate travel in isolated communities. B. A Vietnamese ex-student of Oxford University who has established a foundation constructed bridges to facilitate travel in isolated communities. C. Bridges are constructed to facilitate travel in isolated communities by a Vietnamese ex- student of Oxford University who has established a foundation. D. If a Vietnamese ex-student of Oxford University has established a foundation, he will construct bridges to facilitate travel in isolated communities. ĐÁP ÁN 1D; 2B; 3A; 4D; 5C; 6D; 7B; 8A; 9D; 10B; 11. B; 12. B; 13. C; 14. A; 15. B 16. C; 17. C; 18. A; 19. A; 20. D; 21. B; 22. C; 23. A; 24. C; 25. D; 26. C; 27. C; 28. A; 29. B; 30. C 31. A; 32. C; 33. C; 34. D; 35. C; 36. D; 37. B; 38. D; 39. C; 40. A 3. Đề số 3 A. PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM (24 câu = 6 điểm) I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently (1p). 1. A. mountain B. country C. drought D. hour 2. A. university B. student C. volunteer D. museum 3. A. chance B. chicken C.child D. chemist 4. A. cooks B. laughs C.pens D. hats Trang | 11
  6. II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions (1p). 1. Mary asked me whether I like her or not. A B C D 2. I spent much money to buy shoes yesterday. A B C D 3. She said that she will be here the next week. A B C D 4. We were not inviting to their wedding anniversary last week. A B C D III. Choose from the four options given one best answer to complete each sentence. (2.75p). 1. Lan: What do you think of the General Knowledge Quiz? Nga:___ . It’s an opportunity to test my general knowledge. A. Yes, that’s right B. Oh, it’s great C. It’s not a good idea. D. Ok, I don’t agree 2. Lan : “I’ve passed my exam.”Mai : “___” A. Good luck. B. That’s a good idea. C. It’s nice of you to say so. D. Congratulations 3. It is very kind ___ you to give me a lift to the airport. A. from B. of C. for D. with 4. They never allow ___ skirts when going to the pagoda. A. wear B. to wear C. to be wearing D. wearing 5. John asked me ___ that film the night before. A. had I seen B. that I saw C. if had I seen D. if I had seen 6. I’ve never fallen in such a(n) ___ situation before. A. to be embarrassed B. embarrassing C. embarrass D. embarrassed 7. A ___ is a person who represents for someone or a group. A. representative B. student C. worker D. teacher 8. I remember___ a dozen of eggs yesterday but I can’t find them now. A. buy B. bought C. to buy D. buying 9. At ___ end of the competition, the judge announced the results to everyone. A. a B. the C. ø D. an 10. “___”, Andy suggested. A. Are you going for a walk? B. Did you go for a walk? C. Could you go for a walk? D. How about going for a walk? 11. I regret ___ you that you failed the test. Trang | 12
  7. A. to tell B. tell C. telling D. told IV. Read the passage carefully and then choose the correct answers (1,25p). Spring School is an informal school. It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh city. Around 30 street children live and study at the school and about 250 children with special difficulties from District 1 regularly attend classes. The Organisation for Educational Development co-operated with Spring School to set up English classes in 1998. Dance, theatre, singing and folk music classes were set up a year later. Children from these classes participate in fundraising performances. They raise money to continue their English and performance Arts classes. Spring School requires volunteers to help organize their fundraising dinner held annually in June. This is an exciting night in which children dance, sing and play music at one of the largest hotels in Ho Chi Minh City. They also need foreign volunteers to contact sponsors and help to expand the school activities. Volunteers are required from February until July to help organize these events. It is hope that more schools like Spring School will soon be found in other cities in Vietnam. 1. What kind of Spring school? A. a primary school B. a formal school C. an informal school D. a secondary school 2. When were dance, theatre, singing and folk music classes set up? A. In 1997 B. In 2000 C. In 1998 D. In 1999 3. Why do children take part in fund- raising performances? A. Because they want to expand the school. B. Because they want to contact sponsors. C. Because they need money to continue their English and Arts classes. D. Because they like dancing. 4. Where do children dance, sing and play music? A. At their School. B. At one of the largest hotels in Ho Chi Minh City. C. In Ha Noi. D. In the theatres. 5. What is the aim of Spring School? A. It provides classes to volunteers in Ho Chi Minh City. B. It provides classes to disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh City. C. The aim of this school is fundraising. D. The aim of this school is to raise fund. B. PHẦN TỰ LUẬN (11câu = 4 điểm) I . Put the verbs into correct forms (1,5p). 1. He did not expect (invite) to the party. 2. (Fail) twice, he didn’t want to try again. Trang | 13
  8. 3. They went home after they (finish) their work. 4. (you/watch) .TV last night? 5. The teacher congratulated me on (make) such a clear speech. 6. Mr Barron (study) French since 2007. II. Rewrite the following sentences as suggested. (2,5p) 1. "What is your hobby?" Hoa asked Nam. Hoa asked 2. I don’t know her phone number, so I can’t call her now. If 3. I started working here 3 years ago. I have 4. "I'm terribly sorry I'm late" said Flora. → Flora apologized 5. The safeguard locked all the door. He left the office (perfect participle). → ĐÁP ÁN A. PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM: I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently (1p). 1. B – country 2. C – volunteer 3. D- chemist 4. C – pens II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions (1p). 1. C – like-liked 2. C- to buy – buying 3. B- will – would 4. A – inviting - invited III. Choosefrom the four options given one best answer to complete each sentence. (2.75p). 1. B; 2. D; 3. B; 4. B; 5. D 6. B; 7. A; 8. D; 9. B; 10. D; 11. A IV. Read the passage carefully and then choose the correct answers( 1,25p). 1. C; 2. D; 3. C; 4. B; 5. B B. PHẦN TỰ LUẬN (11câu = 4 điểm) I . Put the verbs into correct forms (1,5p). 1. To be invited Trang | 14
  9. 2. Having failed 3. Had finished 4. Did you watch 5. Making/ having made 6. Has studied/ has been studying. II. Rewrite the following sentences as suggested. (2,5p) 1. Hoa asked Nam what his hobby was. 2. If I knew her phone number, I could/would call her now. 3. I have worked/have been working here for 3 years. 4. Flora apologised for being late. 5. Having locked all the door, the safeguard left the office. 4. Đề số 4 I. Choose the word which has the underlined part is pronounced differently. 1. a. climate b. comic c. hike d. website 2. a. worked b. laughed c. hoped d. naked 3. a. cover b. category c. ancient d. decorate 4. a. buddhist b. bomb c. viable d. bulb 5. a. language b. happen c. experience d. know Choose the word or phrase (a, b, c or d) that best fits the blank space in each sentence: 6. I've got lots of ___ but only a few really good friends. a. best friends b. neighbors c. acquaintances d. partners 7. The students in this class were made ___ very hard. a. learn b. to learn c. learning d. having learnt 8. I prefer staying at work late ___ work home with me. a. to take b. taking c. than take d. to taking Trang | 15
  10. 9. You are under no obligation to help as assistance is purely ___. a. free b. voluntary c. charitable d. donated 10. Scientists ___ a carefully controlled experiment on the mystery virus. a. turned over b. put up c. carried out d. set in 11. It is impossible ___ such a difficult thing without any help. a. to do b. do c. doing d. done 12. After they ___ their breakfast, they ___ shopping yesterday. a. have/ go b. had/ had c. had/ had gone d. had had/ went 13. They ___ tea when the doorbell ___ a. have/ is ringing b. were having/ rang c. had had/ rang d. having/ ringing 14. I didn’t want to make ___ fuss, so I left the crowds. a. a b. an c. the d. no article 15. Do you want ___ by the doctor? a. to examine b. to be examined c. being examined d. being to examine 16. They are whispering to avoid ___ by their friends. Trang | 16
  11. a. being heard b. hearing c. to be heard d. being hearing 17. ___ it over, I decided to laugh at myself and just join anyway. a. Having thought b. I have thought c. I thought d. to have thought 18. The children admitted ___ the money. a. take b. to take c. having taken d. being taken 19. We all said, “ ___ ” ! before Nam blew out the candles on the birthday cake. a. Happy anniversary b. Happy New Year c. Congratulations d. Happy birthday to you 20. If I ___ you were sick, I would have called sooner. a. knew b. had known c. know d. would have known Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each blank: A beauty contest, or beauty pageant, is a competition between people, largely on the (21)___ of their physical appearance. The modern beauty pageant can trace its origin to the Miss America pageant, first held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, in 1921, under the title 'Inter-City Beauty' contest. The following year the title was (22)___ as Miss America. Other contests include the yearly Miss World competition and Miss Universe, which are the two largest and most famous (23)___ beauty contests. Women from around the world (24)___ in the competition for these titles. To be selected as Miss World or Miss Universe, a contestant must be celibate or single. If a Miss WorId fails to live up to people's expectations, she may be disqualified. The organizers of the major beauty contests represent their contests as being events of world importance. (25)___, many other people consider beauty contests to be agreeable entertainment event of no great importance. 21. A. beautiful B. beautify C. beauty D. beautifully Trang | 17
  12. 22. A. renewed B. removed C. renamed D. retained 23. A. nation B. national C. internationally D. international 24. A. participate B. interest C. excite D. involve 25. A. Besides B. However C. Therefore D. Furthermore Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answer: In an early survey conducted in 1888, a billion and a half people inhabited the earth. Now, the population is about six billion and is growing fast. Even though the rate of growth has begun to slow down, most people believe the population size may be eight billion during the next several years. If we examine the amount of land available for this ever increasing population, we begin to see the problem. Not all land is useful to us because it cannot produce food. We can cut out about one fifth of it because it is covered by snow and ice. Then we can cut out another fifth because it is desert. Another fifth is mountains. The other fifth does not have enough soil for crops to grow because it is bare rock. Obviously, with so little land to support us, we should take great care not to reduce it any more or with the rapidly growing population we may sooner or later lack food to eat and place to live in. 26. What is the main topic of the passage? a. The world's population and the shortage of cultivated land. b. The growth of the world's population. c. The necessity of reducing the rate of birth. d. The shortage of cultivated land. 27. The world's population ___ at present. a. has stopped growing b. is still growing c. is decreasing rapidly d. stands at about eight billion 28. According to the passage, we ___. a. can cultivate on all land. b. are not influenced by the land reduction c. can grow crops on bare rock d. should protect land 29. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word 'bare' in the second paragraph? a. hard b. empty c. treeless d. rough 30. Which of the following sentences is not true according to the passage? Trang | 18
  13. a. Most of the world's land are uncultivated. b. The rapid growth of population may lead to a shortage of land. c. Only one fifth of the world's land is being cultivated. d. There has been a dramatic reduction of the birth rate. Rewrite the sentences using the given cues: 31. “ If I were you, I wouldn’t buy this coat.”, She said to me. (Change into Reported speech) She told me ___. 32. I don’t have enough free time, so I can’t go out with you. (Using Conditional sentence type 2) If ___. 33. “I’m sorry I couldn’t come on Saturday, ” said Tom. (Change into Reported speech with gerund) Tom apologized ___. 34. After we had finished the first term, they went camping yesterday. (Using Having + V3/ed) Having ___ 35. Tom and Jerry haven’t talked to each other for 2 years. ⟹ The last time ĐÁP ÁN 1 - b; 2 - d; 3 - c; 4 - b; 5 - a; 6 - c; 7 - b; 8 - d; 9 - b; 10 - c; 11 - a; 12 - d; 13 - b; 14 - a; 15 - b; 16 - a; 17 - a; 18 - c; 19 - d; 20 - b; 21 - C; 22 - C; 23 - D; 24 - A; 25 - B 26 - b; 27 - b; 28 - d; 29 - c; 30 - d; 31 - She told me if she were me, she wouldn’t buy that coat. 32 - If I had enough free time, I could go out with you. 33 - Tom apologized (to me) for not coming on Saturday. 34 - Having finished the first term, they went camping yesterday. 35 - The last time Tom and Jerry talked was 2 years ago. Trang | 19