Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Mã đề 148 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Trường THPT Trần Phú (Có đáp án)

I. Choose the word whose stress is placed differently from that of the others.

 1.   A. intact                                 B. expectancy                   C. liveable                          D. activity 

 2.  A. meditation                          B. renewable                     C. excavation                     D. academic

II. Find out the mistake:

 3. If someone called, say that Anna is not at home.

        A. called                                B. that                                C. home                             D. is 

 4. Alex is talking on the phone. He talk on the phone for  two hours

        A.  phone                              B. two hours                      C. on                                  D. talk

 5. There are many flowers in the garden, is it?

        A. is it                                    B. garden                          C. are                                 D. flowers

 6. Peter promised giving Mary a big present on her birthday.

        A. big                                     B. on                                  C. giving                             D. her birthday

III. Mark the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

 7. My sister had been worried so much about fitness that she wasted a lot of time and money.

        A. My sister wasted a lot of time and money as a result of she had been worried so much about fitness.

        B. Because of having been worried so much about fitness, she wasted a lot of time and money.

        C. Having been worried so much about fitness, my sister wasted a lot of time and money.

        D. Having fitness worried, my sister wasted a lot of time and money.

 8. Do you know the girl who is talking to Tom?

        A. Do you know the girl talked to Tom?                       B. Do you know the girl to talk to Tom?

        C. Do you know the girl is talking to Tom?                   D. Do you know the girl talking to Tom?

 9. Neil told us, "Perhaps we can go to Paris next week."

        A. Neil suggested to go to Paris next week.                B. Neil suggested going to Paris next week.

        C. Neil suggested to go to Paris the week after.          D. Neil suggested going to Paris the week after

 10. Walk faster or you will miss the bus.

        A. If you don't walk faster, you will miss the bus.         B. If you walk faster, the bus would miss you.

        C. If you walk faster, you will miss the bus.                  D. If you don't walk faster, you would miss the bus.

docx 3 trang Yến Phương 15/03/2023 1680
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Nội dung text: Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Mã đề 148 - Năm học 2021-2022 - Trường THPT Trần Phú (Có đáp án)

  1. Tran Phu highschool THE SECOND SEMESTER TEST FOR 11 GRADERS SCHOOL YEAR: 2021-2022 Name:___ Class: 11__ Mã đề: 148 I. Choose the word whose stress is placed differently from that of the others. 1. A. intactB. expectancyC. liveableD. activity 2. A. meditationB. renewableC. excavationD. academic II. Find out the mistake: 3. If someone called, say that Anna is not at home. A. calledB. thatC. homeD. is 4. Alex is talking on the phone. He talk on the phone for two hours A. phoneB. two hoursC. onD. talk 5. There are many flowers in the garden, is it? A. is itB. gardenC. areD. flowers 6. Peter promised giving Mary a big present on her birthday. A. bigB. onC. givingD. her birthday III. Mark the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. 7. My sister had been worried so much about fitness that she wasted a lot of time and money. A. My sister wasted a lot of time and money as a result of she had been worried so much about fitness. B. Because of having been worried so much about fitness, she wasted a lot of time and money. C. Having been worried so much about fitness, my sister wasted a lot of time and money. D. Having fitness worried, my sister wasted a lot of time and money. 8. Do you know the girl who is talking to Tom? A. Do you know the girl talked to Tom?B. Do you know the girl to talk to Tom? C. Do you know the girl is talking to Tom?D. Do you know the girl talking to Tom? 9. Neil told us, "Perhaps we can go to Paris next week." A. Neil suggested to go to Paris next week.B. Neil suggested going to Paris next week. C. Neil suggested to go to Paris the week after.D. Neil suggested going to Paris the week after 10. Walk faster or you will miss the bus. A. If you don't walk faster, you will miss the bus.B. If you walk faster, the bus would miss you. C. If you walk faster, you will miss the bus.D. If you don't walk faster, you would miss the bus. IV. Mark the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) . 11. Many scientists are optimistic that the earth will be greener, cleaner and better for us to live on. A. overcrowdedB. pessimisticC. interested D. negative 12. A lot of ancient houses in Hoi An remain intact after several hundred years. A. in ruinB. well preservedC. liveableD. heritage V. Mark the correct answer to each of the following questions. 13. Geometry is the branch of mathematics___ the properties of lines, curves , shapes and surfaces. A. that concerned withB. it is concerned withC. concerned withD. concerning with 14. It is claimed that new nuclear power plants___ to be safer than the current ones are soon___. A. designed- buildingB. designed- to be builtC. to be designed- builtD. designing- building 15. Jack's father advised him not ___ fast food every day A. to eatB. eatingC. eatD. don't eat 16. Our teacher is late today. We ___ for her for 15 minutes. A. don't waitB. have been waitingC. is waitingD. wait 17. ___ all their saving money, they started to do some jobs to earn money. A. Have spentB. Have spendingC. Having spendingD. Having spent 18. He denied ___ lies to her. A. toldB. having toldC. to tellD. tell 19. Water evaporates if you ___ it. A. will boilB. boilingC. boilD. to boil 20. He will join us,___? A. don't heB. won't heC. did heD. will he 21. She is more beautiful than her sister,___? A. is sheB. isn't sheC. does sheD. did she 22. Peter told me if he were a millionaire, he ___ travel around the world. A. doesB. canC. wouldD. will 23. He suggested ___ to the cinema. A. goingB. goC. wentD. to going 24. " Did you play tennis last weekend?" "___" A. Would you like to come with me?B. Do you like it? C. I love it.D. No, I worked. 25. " There aren't many people here yet, are there?" " ___"
  2. A. Yes, I think so.B. Yes, not many yet. C. No, there are.D. No, but it's still early. 26. Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex was recognised as a World ___ Site in 2016. A. HeritageB. DynastyC. RuinD. Intact 27. ___ warming is the rise in the world's temperature. A. GlobalizeB. GlobalC. GloballyD. Globe 28. Students who have good results at the universities can apply for a ___ A. scholarlyB. scholarC. scholarshipD. scholars VI. Mark the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) . 29. Alternative energy sources such as wind energy, solar energy, water energy are sources of energy that are never used up. A. fossil fuelB. non- renewableC. limitedD. renewable 30. After finishing upper secondary schools, a lot of students in England want to take a gap-year before continuing their learning at universities. A. universitiesB. primary schoolsC. kindergartensD. high schools VII. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer. University Entrance Examination is very important in Vietnamese students. High school graduates have to take it and get high results to be admitted to universities. The pressure on the candidates remains very high despite the measures that have been taken to reduce the heat around these exams, since securing a place in a state university is considered a major step towards a successful career for young people, especially those from rural areas or disadvantaged families. In the year 2004, it was estimated that nearly 1 million Vietnamese students took the University Entrance Examination, but on average only 1 out of 5 candidates succeeded. Normally, candidates take 3 exam subjects, and each lasts 180 minutes for the fixed group of subjects they choose. There are 4 fixed groups of subjects: Group A: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry; Group B: Mathematics, Biology, and Chemistry; Group C: Literature, History, and Geography; Group D: Literature, Foreign Language, and Mathematics. In addition to universities, there are community colleges, art and technology institutes, professional secondary schools, and vocational schools which offer degrees or certificates from a-few-month to 2-year courses. According to Vietnam's Ministry of Education and Training, there are currently 23 non-public universities, accounting for 11% of the total number of universities. These non-public universities are currently training 119,464 students, or 11.7% of the total number of students. The government is planning to increase the number of non-public universities to 30% by 2007. 31. University Entrance Examination in Vietnamese is very ___. A. freeB. easyC. interestingD. stressful 32. In 2004, the proportion of the students who got success in University Entrance Examination was about __ percent. A. 5B. 50C. 20D. 10 33. According to passage, ___. A. The Vietnamese government will close all non public universities by next year. B. The Vietnamese government encourages the establishing of non-public universities. C. The Vietnamese government does not appreciate non- public universities. D. The Vietnamese students have no alternative to continue their higher study beside universities 34. Which sentence refers to the University Entrance Examination in Vietnam? A. Math is compulsory in the University Entrance Examination. B. There are four fixed groups of exam subjects for students to choose. C. Students find it easy to get success in the University Entrance Examination. D. Students are allowed to choose two groups of subjects at the same time. VIII. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. 35. A. remedyB. electronicC. speciesD. dweller 36. A. informationB. inhabitantC. environmentD. liveable IX. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer. Thanks to a computer (37)___ to the internet, we can get information and enjoy many interesting programs in the fastest and most convenient way. A computer is a (38)___ device. Each time we turn it on, it is capable of doing almost anything we ask it to. For example, if we want to see our friends who we haven't met for many years, we (39)___ call them face to face through zalo or facebook. We just stay at home and use our computer to surf on the internet, and we will be able to travel all around the world, talk to many people of different nationalities. People all over the world (40)___ it for a long time, and it continues being used in the future. 37. A. connectedB. which connectedC. connectingD. that is connecting with 38. A. miraculousB. monotonousC. ordinaryD. plausible 39. A. canB. don'tC. couldD. can't 40. A. has been usedB. are usingC. usedD. have been using
  3. Tran Phu highschool THE SECOND SEMESTER TEST FOR 11 GRADERS SCHOOL YEAR: 2021-2022 Name:___ Class: 11__ Đáp án mã đề: 148 01. C; 02. B; 03. A; 04. D; 05. A; 06. C; 07. C; 08. D; 09. D; 10. A; 11. B; 12. A; 13. C; 14. B; 15. A; 16. B; 17. D; 18. B; 19. C; 20. B; 21. B; 22. C; 23. A; 24. D; 25. D; 26. A; 27. B; 28. C; 29. D; 30. D; 31. D; 32. C; 33. B; 34. B; 35. C; 36. C; 37. A; 38. A; 39. A; 40. D;