Đề thi giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

Read the passage carefully and choose the best option to fill in each blank: (1.25 p)
The growth of cities and the (1)...............of industries in the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries brought increasing pollution of the rivers and waterways. As a consequence, water

purification treatments have become more and more important as a means of providing safe
The most widely used method of water purification is water filtration plants (2).......remove
impurities from the water by passing it (3)......sand, and, in some systems, treating the water
with elements such as chlorine.
Filtration systems began in the Western Europe. The first treatment plants were built in
1829 to purify the River Thames in England.
In 1854, the (4)..........for water treatment plants became recognized and the need for pure
water a matter of public concern when London cholera epidemic was traced to public well.
Most cities, first in England, then in the US and later throughout the world, developed
filtration plants to avoid cholera outbreaks that frequently ravaged (5)...........communities.
1. A. growing B. decline C. development D. labour
2. A. when B. which C. what D. who
3. A. through B. under C. around D. above
4. A. cost B. liking C. popularity D. need
5. A. its B. their C. it D. theirs

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Nội dung text: Đề thi giữa học kì 2 môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

  1. ĐỀ THI GIỮA HỌC KÌ 2 LỚP 11 MÔN TIẾNG ANH NĂM 2021 - 2022 CÓ ĐÁP ÁN 1. Đề thi giữa kì 2 lớp 11 môn tiếng Anh I. Phonetics: * Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: (0.5p) 1. A. sword B. swallow C. switch D. sweet 2. A. feature B. weather C. species D. decrease *Choose the word which is stressed differently from the others: (0.5p) 3. A. electricity B. geothermal C. radiation D. alternative 4. A. distribute B. recipient C. document D. transmission II. Grammar and vocabulary: A. Use the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets: (1.5 p) 1. I (find) this old photo while I (look) for my passport. 2. The factory was fined for (discharge) chemicals into the river. 3. "Have you ever met the man (stand) over there?" "No. Who is he?" 4. What you (do) when I came to your office yesterday? | |
  2. 5. Johnny was the last applicant (interview) for a position in that energy station. B. Use the correct form of the words in brackets: (1 p) 1. She cares (deep) about the environmental pollution. 2. The chemical (pollute) from cars and factories make the air, water and soil dangerously dirty. 3. What I like best about your house is its (space) kitchen. 4. The total energy (consume) in 2005 was over 150 million tons C. Choose the best answer: (1.5p) 1. There was no mention of the incident in the national press. A. television B. Internet C. radio D. newspapers 2. Several rare species are dying owing to human beings' deforestation and careless hunting. A. out B. up C. away D. down 3. Human beings have great on the rest of the world. A. focus B. influence C. attention D. attraction 4. A nuclear reactor releases which is dangerous to the environment. A. heat B. energy C. carbon dioxide D. radiation | |
  3. 5. Farmers use pesticides to kill insects that devastate their crops. A. a B. an C. X D. the 6. She always calm throughout all the crises of her life. A. remains B. thinks C. does D. acts III. Writing: B. Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions: (1.5 p) 1. The shot was fired that day. It signalized the start of the American Revolution. (combine using a participle) > 2. Alex took the gun out of his pocket. He saw the robbers running down the street. (combine using a relative pronoun) > 3. The woman pays me a fair salary. I work for her. (combine using a preposition + a relative pronoun) > IV. Reading: A. Read the passage carefully and choose the best option to fill in each blank: (1.25 p) The growth of cities and the (1) of industries in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries brought increasing pollution of the rivers and waterways. As a consequence, water | |
  4. purification treatments have become more and more important as a means of providing safe water. The most widely used method of water purification is water filtration plants (2) remove impurities from the water by passing it (3) sand, and, in some systems, treating the water with elements such as chlorine. Filtration systems began in the Western Europe. The first treatment plants were built in 1829 to purify the River Thames in England. In 1854, the (4) for water treatment plants became recognized and the need for pure water a matter of public concern when London cholera epidemic was traced to public well. Most cities, first in England, then in the US and later throughout the world, developed filtration plants to avoid cholera outbreaks that frequently ravaged (5) communities. 1. A. growing B. decline C. development D. labour 2. A. when B. which C. what D. who 3. A. through B. under C. around D. above 4. A. cost B. liking C. popularity D. need 5. A. its B. their C. it D. theirs B. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers: (1.25 p) Between the Revolutionary period and the World War I, the United States post office was set out to improve transportation of the post office mails. From those early days to the present, the post office has helped develop and subsidize every new mode transportation in the United States. Transportation has been the most important element in mail delivery. geleincnEtehhvreanl pweuchbrtietyd ofaeda osftiltlhesussepc new means of | |
  5. transportation, the post office experimented with inventions that offered potential for moving the mail faster, occasionally suffering embarrassment, ridicule, or even abuse in the process. As mail delivery evolved from foot to horseback, stagecoach, steamboat, railroad, automobile, and airplane, with intermediate and overlapping use of balloons, and helicopters, post office mail contracts ensured the income necessary to build the great highways, rail lines, and airways that eventually spanned the continent. By the turn of the 19th century, the U.S. Post Office had purchased a number of stagecoaches for operation on the nation's better post roads – a post road being any road on which the mail travels – and continued to encourage new designs to improve passenger comfort and carry mail safely. 1. The passage is about ___. A. the Post Office in the Revolutionary period B. transportation of the Post Office in the US C. the Post Office in the World War I D. transportation and public ideas 2. According to the passage, the main purpose of the Post Office is ___. A. to deliver mail as safely and fast as possible C. to subsidize every new mode of transportation B. to develop transportation D. to apply new mean of transportation 3. Which means of transportation used in the Post Office is NOT referred in the passage? | |
  6. A. train B. car C. plane D. motorcycle 4. The Post Office ___. A. has never used helicopters in delivery B. makes no contribution to build roads C. contributes income to build highways, railroads, and airways D. has never been the first to use a new means of transportation 5. Any road on which the mail travels is called___. A. motorway B. highway C. national road D. post road 2. Đáp án Đề thi giữa kì 2 tiếng Anh 11 I. Phonetics: * Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: (0.5p) 1 - A; 2 - B; *Choose the word which is stressed differently from the others: (0.5p) 3 - D; 4 - C; II. Grammar and vocabulary: A. Use the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets: ( 1.5 p) 1. found / was looking 2. discharging 3. standing 4. were you doing 5. to be interviewed | |
  7. B. Use the correct form of the words in brackets: ( 1 p) 1. deeply 2. pollutants 3. spacious 4. consumption C. Choose the best answer: (1.5p) 1. D. newspapers 2. A. out 3. B. influence 4. D. radiation 5. C. X 6. A. remains III. Writing: A. Find out one mistake in each sentence: (1 p) 1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C B. Rewrite the following sentences, using the suggestions: (1.5 p) 1. >The shot fired that day signalized the start of the American Revolution. 2. > Alex, who saw the robbers running down the street, took the gun out of his pocket. 3. > The woman for whom I work pays me a fair salary. IV. Reading: A. Read the passage carefully and choose the best option to fill in each blank: (1.25 p) 1 - C; 2 - B; 3 - A; 4 - D; 5 - B; B. Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers: (1.25 p) 1 - B; 2 - A; 3 - D; 4 - C; 5 - D; Giải thích 1. Bài văn này nói về sự vận chuyển của bưu điện ở Mỹ | |
  8. => Đáp án là B 2. Từ đoạn văn, mục đích chính của bưu điện là vận chuyển thư an toàn và nhanh nhất có thể => Đáp án A 3. Phương tiện không được bưu điện sử dụng là xe máy => Đáp án là D 4. Ngành Bưu Điện chưa bao giờ là người sử dụng phương tiện giao thông mới => Đáp án C 5. Bất cứ con đường nào vận chuyển thư được gọi là đường bưu điện Dẫn chứng “a post road being any road on which the mail travels” => Đáp án D 11 | |