Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2022-2023 - Sở GD&ĐT Vĩnh Phúc (Có đáp án)

29. County legislators called for an update of the safety _______ for the DRCY Power Plant. 
A. regulate B. regulative C. regulatory D. regulations 
30. Although the queen of UK has in fact little authority of her own, she _______ informed of events, and 
sometimes, she _______ by the government. 
A. keeps - has consulted B. can be kept – should consult 
C. is kept - is consulted D. will keep - was consulted 
31. It was hard to _______ the temptation to watch the late night show even though I was so tired. 
A. resist B. defy C. refuse D. oppose 
32. Fast food is very popular. _______, a diet of hamburgers, pizzas and fried chicken is not very healthy. 
A. Unfortunately B. Moreover C. Consequently D. In contrast 
33. As a small boy, he was used to _______ alone in the house for an hour or two.  
A. being left B. leaving C. be left D. leave 
34. I haven’t read any medical books or articles on the subject for a long time, so I’m _______ with recent 
A. out of reach B. out of the question C. out of touch D. out of the condition 
35. You _______ to send the email, for there’s nothing in my inbox. 
A. couldn’t have forget B. must have forgotten 
C. should have forgotten D. ought to have forgotten
pdf 7 trang Phan Bảo Khanh 14/08/2023 2580
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Nội dung text: Kỳ thi chọn học sinh giỏi Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2022-2023 - Sở GD&ĐT Vĩnh Phúc (Có đáp án)

  1. SỞ GD&ĐT VĨNH PHÚC KỲ THI CHỌN HSG LỚP 10, 11 CHƯƠNG TRÌNH THPT ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC NĂM HỌC 2022-2023 Môn: TIẾNG ANH 11 Đề thi có 06 trang Thời gian làm bài: 90 phút (không kể thời gian phát đề) Họ và tên: . Số báo danh: . Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu. Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm. A. LISTENING Section 1. Questions 1-5 Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Newspaper Photo Reprint Request Form Example Newspaper date: March 10th Newspaper pages: the (1) ___ page Newspaper story: Student Athlete of the (2) ___ Photo subject: James (3) ___ Photo use: (4) ___ Image type: (5) ___ Section 2. Questions 6-10 Choose the correct answer A, B, or C to each question. GENERAL COURSE DETAILS 6. What is the defining characteristic of a specialized course? A. Taking a proficiency exam . B. Attending the class frequently. C. Compulsory and regular. 7. The Microbiology courses are available for ___. A. full-time and flexible-time students B. Microbiology students only C. students on a flexible schedule 8. The Biology courses are available for ___. A. all students B. full-time students only C. freshmen only 9. Who are interested in Microbiology courses? A. People who need work experience. B. People from off-campus. C. People who work at hospital. 10. A Medical Science course will be opened next year because ___. A. there are no experimental facilities B. the lab equipment is too expensive C. the building is damaged Trang 1/6
  2. Section 3. Questions 11-15. What incident is related to each of the following people? Choose FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter A-G next to questions 11-15. A. brought tea tree oil into Australia in 1770 B. challenged the benefit of tea tree oil C. reported the special eating habit in Australia D. listed plant species E. studied the tea tree oil F. saw Australian Aborigines drink G. used tea tree for medical treatment 11. Aborigines ___ 12. Dutch explorer ___ 13. Sir Hugh Palliser ___ 14. Captain James Cook ___ 15. Dr. Arthur Penfold ___ Section 4. Questions 16-20 Label the map below. Write the correct letter A-H next to questions 16-20. 16. Brown Hall ___ 17. Blake Residence ___ 18. Queens Building ___ 19. Parkway Flats ___ 20. Temple Rise ___ B. LEXICO-GRAMMAR Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete each of the following sentences. 21. I feel it must be too late to apologize to my piano teacher, but at least I've got it off my ___. A. chest B. heart C. stomach D. soul 22. Country life differs from urban life in ___ a sense of community generally binds the inhabitants of small villages together. A. it B. what C. which D. that 23. A special committee was formed to ___ between the two sides involved in the conflict. A. cooperate B. compromise C. confront D. conciliate Trang 2/6
  3. 24. On the battle field ___. A. the tanks lay B. did the tanks lie C. lay the tanks D. lied the tanks 25. The head of the Human Resources Department found himself in the ___ line over recent job cuts. A. heating B. firing C. brazing D. flaming 26. ___, they slept soundly. A. Hot though was the night air B. Hot though the night air was C. Hot as was the night air D. Hot although the night air was 27. The local council has decided to ___ a concert to raise money for cancer charities. A. take up B. run through C. come up D. put on 28. In most ___ developed countries, up to 50% of ___ population enters higher education at some time in their lives. A. the - a B. the -  C.  - the D.  -  29. County legislators called for an update of the safety ___ for the DRCY Power Plant. A. regulate B. regulative C. regulatory D. regulations 30. Although the queen of UK has in fact little authority of her own, she ___ informed of events, and sometimes, she ___ by the government. A. keeps - has consulted B. can be kept – should consult C. is kept - is consulted D. will keep - was consulted 31. It was hard to ___ the temptation to watch the late night show even though I was so tired. A. resist B. defy C. refuse D. oppose 32. Fast food is very popular. ___, a diet of hamburgers, pizzas and fried chicken is not very healthy. A. Unfortunately B. Moreover C. Consequently D. In contrast 33. As a small boy, he was used to ___ alone in the house for an hour or two. A. being left B. leaving C. be left D. leave 34. I haven’t read any medical books or articles on the subject for a long time, so I’m ___ with recent developments. A. out of reach B. out of the question C. out of touch D. out of the condition 35. You ___ to send the email, for there’s nothing in my inbox. A. couldn’t have forget B. must have forgotten C. should have forgotten D. ought to have forgotten C. READING COMPREHENSION Section 1. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete the following passage. Greenhouse gases arise from a wide range of sources and their increasing concentration is largely related to the compound effects of increased population, improved living standards and changes in lifestyle. From a current base of 5 billion, the United Nations predicts that the global population may stabilize in the twenty-first century between 8 and 14 billion, with more than 90 per cent of the (36) ___ increase taking place in the world’s developing nations. The (37) ___ activities to support that growth, particularly to produce the required energy and food, will cause further increases in greenhouse gas emissions. The challenge, therefore, is to attain a (38) ___ balance between population, economic growth and the environment. The major greenhouse gas emissions from human activities are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane and nitrous oxide. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are the only major (39) ___ to the greenhouse effect that does not occur naturally, coming from such sources as refrigeration, plastics and manufacture. Coal’s total contribution to greenhouse gas emissions is thought to be about 18 per cent, with about half of this coming from (40) ___ generation. The worldwide coal industry (41) ___ extensive resources to researching and developing new technologies and ways of capturing greenhouse gases. Efficiencies are likely to be improved dramatically, and hence CO2 emissions reduced, through combustion and gasification techniques which are now at (42)___ and demonstration stages. Clean coal is another avenue for improving fuel conversion efficiency. Investigations are under (43)___ into super-clean coal (35 per cent ash) and ultraclean coal (less than 1 per cent ash). Super- Trang 3/6
  4. clean coal has the potential to enhance the combustion efficiency of conventional stabilized fuel power plants. Ultraclean coal will enable coal to be used in (44) ___ power systems such as coal-fired gas turbines which, when (45) ___ in combined cycle, have the potential to achieve much greater efficiencies. 36. A. intended B. projected C. wanted D. calculated 37. A. remarkable B. major C. associated D. mutual 38. A. reachable B. sustainable C. eligible D. visual 39. A. substance B. contributor C. chemical D. emission 40. A. electronic B. electric C. electrical D. electricity 41. A. adjusts B. scatters C. allocates D. disperses 42. A. pilot B. launch C. experiment D. beginning 43. A. experiment B. development C. way D. progress 44. A. electrified B. developed C. advanced D. controlled 45. A. involved B. operated C. managed D. made Section 2. Read the passage and fill in each numbered gap with ONE suitable word. Men and women are often considered to be completely at odds with each other, in terms of their attitudes and behaviour. Not so when they are in love, new research has discovered. As (46) ___ as their hormone levels are concerned when men and women are in love, they are more similar to each other (47)___ at any other time. It has (48) ___ been known that love can (49) ___ havoc with hormone levels. For example, the hormone cortisol, which is known for its calming effect on the body, dips dramatically when one person is attracted to (50) ___, putting the love-struck on a par with sufferers of obsessive compulsive disorder. But a new study has found that the hormone testosterone, commonly associated with male aggression, also falls when he is in love. In women, it's quite the reverse. Testosterone levels, (51) ___ tend to be lower among females, rise towards (52) ___ of the male. Donatella Marazziti of the University of Pisa, Italy, (53) ___ this down to nature attempting to eliminate the differences between the sexes. By doing so, they can concentrate fully (54) ___ reproduction. This suggestion seems to be supported by the fact that neither couples in a long term relationship (55) ___ participants in the study who were single at the time of the experiment exhibited such changes. Section 3. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to each question. The Digital Divide Information technology is influencing the way many of us live and work today. We use the Internet to look and apply for jobs, shop, conduct research, make airline reservations, and explore areas of interest. We use e-mail and the Internet to communicate instantaneously with friends and business associates around the world. Computers are commonplace in homes and the workplace. Although the number of Internet users is growing exponentially each year, most of the world’s population does not have access to computers or the Internet. Only 6 percent of the population in developing countries are connected to telephones. Although more than 94 percent of U.S. households have a telephone, only 42 percent have personal computers at home and 26 percent have Internet access. The lack of what most of us would consider a basic communications necessity – the telephone – does not occur just in developing nations. On some Native American reservations, only 60 percent of the residents have a telephone. The move to wireless connections may eliminate the need for telephone lines, but it does not remove the barrier to equipment costs. Who has Internet access? Fifty percent of the children in urban households with an income over $75,000 have Internet access, compared with 2 percent of the children in low-income, rural households. Nearly half of college-educated people have Internet access, compared to 6 percent of those with only some high school education. Forty percent of households with two parents have access; 15 percent of female, single-parent households do. Thirty percent of white households, 11 percent of black households, and 13 Trang 4/6
  5. percent of Hispanic households have access. Teens and children are the two fastest-growing segments of Internet users. The digital divide between the populations who have access to the Internet and information technology tools is based on income, race, education, household type, and geographic location. Only 16 percent of the rural poor, rural and central city minorities, young householders, and single parent female households are connected. Another problem that exacerbates these disparities is that African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans hold few of the jobs in information technology. Women hold about 20 percent of these jobs and are receiving fewer than 30 percent of the computer science degrees. The result is that women and members of the most oppressed ethnic groups are not eligible for the jobs with the highest salaries at graduation. Baccalaureate candidates with degrees in computer science were offered the highest salaries of all new college graduates in 1998 at $44,949. Do similar disparities exist in schools? More than 90 percent of all schools in the country are wired with at least one Internet connection. The number of classrooms with Internet connections differs by the income level of students. Using the percentage of students who are eligible for free lunches at a school to determine income level, we see that nearly twice as many of the schools with more affluent students have wired classrooms as those with high concentrations of low-income students. Access to computers and the Internet will be important in reducing disparities between groups. It will require greater equality across diverse groups whose members develop knowledge and skills in computer and information technologies. If computers and the Internet are to be used to promote equality, they will have to become accessible to populations that cannot currently afford the equipment which needs to be updated every three years or so. However, access alone is not enough. Students will have to be interacting with the technology in authentic settings. As technology becomes a tool for learning in almost all courses taken by students, it will be seen as a means to an end rather than an end in itself. If it is used in culturally relevant ways, all students can benefit from its power. 56. Why does the author mention the telephone in paragraph 2? A. To demonstrate that even technology like the telephone is not available to all. B. To argue that basic telephone service is a first step to using the Internet. C. To contrast the absence of telephone usage with that of Internet usage. D. To describe the development of communications from telephone to Internet. 57. Which of the sentences below best expresses the information in the statement “Although the number or the Internet.” in paragraph 2? A. Most of the people in the world use the Internet now because the number of computers is increasing every year. B. The number of people who use computers and the Internet is increasing every year, but most people in the world still do not have connections. C. The number of computers that can make the Internet available to most of the people in the world is not increasing fast enough. D. The Internet is available to most of the people in the world even though they don't have their own computer terminals. 58. The word “eliminate” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___. A. accept B. dispute C. define D. remove 59. Based on the information in paragraph 3, which of the following best explains the term "digital divide?" A. The number of Internet users in developing nations. B. The disparity in the opportunity to use the Internet. C. Differences in socioeconomic levels among Internet users. D. Segments of the population with Internet access. 60. Why does the author give details about the percentages of Internet users in paragraph 3? A. To prove that there are differences in opportunities among social groups. B. To argue for more Internet connections at all levels of society. C. To suggest that improvements in Internet access are beginning to take place. D. To explain why many people have Internet connections now. Trang 5/6
  6. 61. According to paragraph 3, which of the following households would be least likely to have access to the Internet? A. A household with one parent. B. A black household. C. A Hispanic household. D. A household with both parents. 62. The word “those” in paragraph 5 refers to ___. A. classrooms B. students C. schools D. concentrations 63. According to paragraph 4, why are fewer women and minorities employed in the field of computer technology? A. They are not admitted to the degree programs. B. They do not possess the educational qualifications. C. They do not have an interest in technology. D. They prefer training for jobs with higher salaries. 64. The word “concentrations” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ___. A. protections B. numbers C. confidence D. support 65. What can be inferred from paragraph 6 about Internet access? A. Better computers need to be designed. B. Schools should provide newer computers for students. C. The cost of replacing equipment is a problem. D. Technology will be more helpful in three years. D. WRITING Section 1. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the original one. 66. They couldn’t deceive customers although they used attractive advertisements. → Whatever ___. 67. Most of my English colleagues prefer to drink tea rather than coffee. → Most of my English colleagues have a ___. 68. A work permit will only be issued on receipt of the correct documents. → Not until___. 69. The journalists only heard about the changes to the wedding plans when they arrived at the venue. → It was only ___. 70. Success in the academic field depends on your ability to amass qualifications. → The more ___. Section 2. Complete each second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between TWO and SIX words in each gap. 71. His last book helps to understand what the world of beer brewing is really like. INSIGHT → His last book ___ the world of beer brewing. 72. She is determined to become a pilot. HEART → Her ___ a pilot. 73. Experts believe that the landslides were caused by recent floods. RESULTED → The landslides are ___ recent floods. 74. The fact that he will never race again is something he cannot accept. TERMS → He cannot ___ that he will never race again. 75. The journalist pretended that she was a parent of one of the children. IMPRESSION → The journalist ___ that she was a parent of one of the children. Hết Trang 6/6
  7. SỞ GD&ĐT VĨNH PHÚC KỲ THI CHỌN HSG LỚP 10, 11 CHƯƠNG TRÌNH THPT ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC NĂM HỌC 2022-2023 Đáp án môn: TIẾNG ANH 11 A. LISTENING (5.0 points) (5.0 pts: 0.25p/each correct answer) Section 1. 1. front 2. Week 3. Parkhurst 4. personal 5. color/colour Section 2. 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. B 10. A Section 3. 11. G 12. C 13. B 14. F 15. E Section 4. 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. E 20. D B. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (3.0 points) (3.0 pts: 0.2p/each correct answer) 21. A 22. D 23. D 24. C 25. B 26. B 27. D 28. C 29. D 30. C 31. A 32. A 33. A 34. C 35. B C. READING. (9.0 points) (9.0 pts: 0.3p/each correct answer) Section 1. 36. B 37. C 38. B 39. B 40. D 41. C 42. A 43. C 44. C 45. B Section 2. 46. far 47. than 48. long 49. play 50. another 51. which 52. those 53. puts 54. on 55. nor Section 3. 56. A 57. B 58. D 59. B 60. A 61. B 62. C 63. B 64. B 65. C D. WRITING. (3.0 points) (3.0 pts: 0.3p/each correct answer) Section 1. 66. Whatever attractive advertisements they used, they couldn’t deceive customers. 67. Most of my English colleagues have a preference for tea over coffee. 68. Not until the correct documents are received will a work permit be issued. 69. It was only when they arrived at the venue that the journalists heard about the changes to the wedding plans. 70. The more qualifications you are able to amass, the more success you will have in the academic field/ the more successful you will be (become) in the academic field. Section 2. 71. His last book gives an insight into the world of beer brewing. 72. Her heart is set on becoming a pilot. 73. The landslides are believed to have resulted from recent floods. 74. He cannot come to terms with the fact that he will never race again. 75. The journalist gave the false impression that she was a parent of one of the children.