Tài liệu bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Unit 1 - Reading

1. Prefix
- ex (+noun): was but not now. 
Eg: ex-wife, ex-boyfriend, ex-president...
- half (+noun or adjective): 50% of something. 
Eg: half-price, half-hour...
- pre: before
Eg: preschool
- re (+verb) : again
Eg: rewrite, redo
- un_: is used with many different words.
Eg: unfriendly, unable, unemployed (= without a job), untidy (= not in order, in a mess)
- im_: is used before some words beginning with m or p.
Eg: impolite (= rude), impatient (somebody who is impatient wants things to happen now, they cannot
wait for things), impossible...
- il_: is used before some words beginning with l.
Eg: illegible (= cannot be read because the writing is very bad), illegal (= not allowed by law)...
- ir_: is only used before some words beginning with r.
Eg: irresponsible (not thinking enough or not worrying about the possible results of what you do)
- in_: is used before a limited number of words.
Eg: invisible (= cannot be seen)
- dis_: is used before some adjectives and a few verbs.
Eg: dishonest (adj), dislike, disagree (v)...
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  1. Unit 1 READING (TÀI LIỆU BÀI GIẢNG) Giáo viên : NGUYỄN KI ỀU OANH Some prefixes and suffixes in English 1. Prefix - ex (+noun): was but not now. Eg: ex-wife, ex-boyfriend, ex-president - half (+noun or adjective): 50% of something. Eg: half-price, half-hour - pre: before Eg: preschool - re (+verb): again Eg: rewrite, redo - un_: is used with many different words. Eg: unfriendly, unable, unemployed (= without a job), untidy (= not in order, in a mess) - im_: is used before some words beginning with m or p. Eg: impolite (= rude), impatient (somebody who is impatient wants things to happen now, they cannot wait for things), impossible - il_: is used before some words beginning with l. Eg: illegible (= cannot be read because the writing is very bad), illegal (= not allowed by law) - ir_: is only used before some words beginning with r. Eg: irresponsible (not thinking enough or not worrying about the possible results of what you do) - in_: is used before a limited number of words. Eg: invisible (= cannot be seen) - dis_: is used before some adjectives and a few verbs. Eg: dishonest (adj), dislike, disagree (v) 2. Suffix Common noun endings -_tion: competition, nation, invention -_ance: deliverance, concordance -_ence: independence, difference -_ment: government, development, movement -_ism: Buddhism, capitalism, patriotism, terrorism -_ship: friendship, relationship -_ity: community, ability, possibility -_er: teacher, worker, driver, singer -_or: sailor, actor -_ee: attendee, employee - Trang | 1 -
  2. Unit 1 Common verb endings: -_ize: memorize, dramatize, vaporize -_ate: refrigerate, obligate, educate -_en: lengthen, brighten, broaden Common adjective endings: -_y: happy, dirty, snowy -_ous: mountainous, dangerous, prosperous -_ious: serious, adventitious, various -_able: disable, eatable, acceptable -_al: musical, choral, central -_ic: athletic, academic, volcanic -_ful: beautiful, useful, peaceful - Trang | 2 -