Tài liệu bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Unit 2 - Reading

Task 1
1. The girl was so shy that she didn’t look at him in the face. She just glanced at him and looked 
2. She complains noisily about anything she doesn’t like. She is the type of person who is always 
making a fuss.
3. She was in a very embarrassing situation. She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say.
4. Teenagers nowadays often have their own idols who they really love and imitate in different ways.
5. I don’t like the look of that man. There is something sneaky about him.
6. Sneaky
Task 2
1. D
2. B
3. F
4. E
5. A
6. C
pdf 2 trang Yến Phương 15/03/2023 2120
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  1. Unit 2 READING (TÀI LIỆU BÀI GIẢNG) Giáo viên: NGUYỄN KI ỀU OANH Task 1 1. The girl was so shy that she didn’t look at him in the face. She just glanced at him and looked away. 2. She complains noisily about anything she doesn’t like. She is the type of person who is always making a fuss. 3. She was in a very embarrassing situation. She felt so stupid and didn’t know what to say. 4. Teenagers nowadays often have their own idols who they really love and imitate in different ways. 5. I don’t like the look of that man. There is something sneaky about him. 6. Sneaky Task 2 1. D 2. B 3. F 4. E 5. A 6. C Task 3 1. A red floppy cotton hat. 2. To buy the hat for herself 3. A wad of dollar notes exactly like the ones her father had given her before. 4. Because she didn’t like to make a fuss. 5. She bought the hat with it. VOCABULARY IN READING New words Pronunciation Meanings Experience iks'piəriəns (verb) trải qua (điều gì) (noun) kinh nghiệm, trải nghiệm Embarrass im'bærəs (verb) làm lúng túng, bối rối Embarrassing im'bærəsiη (adj) làm lúng túng, xấu hổ - Trang | 1 -
  2. Unit 2 Glance + at (something) gl æ:ns (verb) liếc nhìn Sneaky 'sni:ki (adj) lén lút, vụng trộm Wad wɔd (noun) Xấp tiền, nắm tiền Note nout (noun) tờ tiền giấy Make a fuss Làm ầm ĩ lên Turn away tə:n ə'wei (verb) quay mặt đi chỗ khác Turn round tə:n raund (verb) quay lại Point + at/to something/somebody pɔint (verb) chỉ vào (ai/cái gì) - Trang | 2 -