Tài liệu bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Unit 6 - Reading

Imagine you were taking part in the competition “Who is the millionaire?”. Spend ONE MINUTE 
answering ten following questions. 
1. Which language has the most native speakers? 
A. Bengali B. English C. Mandarin Chinese D. Spanish 
2. What is the largest country (by area) in the world that has a land border with only one other country? 
A. Australia B. Canada C. India D. United States 
3. In which country will the 2008 Olympic Games held? 
A. China B. Germany C. Greece D. United States 
4. In which country is Mount Everest? 
A. Tibet B. Nepal C. Finland D. Switzerland 
5. Which continent has the biggest population? 
A. Africa B. Europe C. America D. Asia 
6. Which famous pop musician sang at Princess Diana’s funeral? 
A. Mariah Carey B. Elton John C. Ricky Martin D. Celine Dion 
7. Which is the nearest star? 
C. The Sun D. Mars
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  1. Unit 6 READING (TÀI LIỆU BÀI GIẢNG) Giáo viên : NGUYỄN KIỀ U OANH A. WARM-UP Imagine you were taking part in the competition “Who is the millionaire?”. Spend ONE MINUTE answering ten following questions. 1. Which language has the most native speakers? A. Bengali B. English C. Mandarin Chinese D. Spanish 2. What is the largest country (by area) in the world that has a land border with only one other country? A. Australia B. Canada C. India D. United States 3. In which country will the 2008 Olympic Games held? A. China B. Germany C. Greece D. United States 4. In which country is Mount Everest? A. Tibet B. Nepal C. Finland D. Switzerland 5. Which continent has the biggest population? A. Africa B. Europe C. America D. Asia 6. Which famous pop musician sang at Princess Diana’s funeral? A. Mariah Carey B. Elton John C. Ricky Martin D. Celine Dion 7. Which is the nearest star? A. The Moon B. Jupiter C. The Sun D. Mars 8. Who discovered America ? A . Christopher Columbus B. James Cook C. Great Khan D. King Henry VIII 9. Who wrote the song entitled “Yesterday”? A. John Lennon B. Paul McCartney C. Yoko Ono D. George Harrison 10. How many legs does a butterfly have? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 D. 6 KEY: 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. C 8.A 9.B 10. D A. EXERCISES Task 1 1. D 2. F 3. E 4. C 5. B 6. A Task 2 1. The representatives of three classes of the speaker’s school. (Line 1, para 1) 2. The aim was to stimulate the spirit of learning English among students. (Lines 3-4, para 1) 3. The Students’ Parents Society (Line 4, para 1) - Trang | 1 -
  2. Unit 6 4. They had to complete 5 activities in all. On completion of each activity, they had to answer the questions in the worksheets within 2 minutes. (Line 1-4, para 2) 5. They had to observe and score students’ performance winner (Line 4-7, para 2) 6. A set of CDs for studying English and an Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (Lines 8-9, para 2) Task 3 1. to recite / complete the poem because he could not remember the last sentence. 2. became the winner of the competition. 3. 60 points. 4. “For me the important thing was our participation in the competition and the enjoyment we had from it.” B. VOCABULARY New words Pronunciation Meanings Compete (v) kəm'pi:t (v) thi đấu Competition (n) kɔmpi'tiʃn (n) Cuộc thi Competitive (adj) kəm'petitiv (adj) cạnh tranh Competitor (n) (n) đối thủ kəm'petitə Contest (n) kən'test (n) Cuộc thi đấu Marathon (n) mærəθən (n) ma-ra-tông Representative (n) repri'zentətiv (n) đại diện Annual (a) ænjuəl (adj) hàng năm Aim (n) ænjuəl (n) mục đích Stimulate (v) stimjuleit (v) kích thích, thúc đẩy Stimulation (n) (n) Sự thúc đẩy Spirit (n) spirit (n) Tinh thần Worksheet (n) (n) phiếu câu hỏi Judge (n) ʤʌdʤ (n) Trọng tài, giám khảo Observe (v) əb'zə:v (v) quan sát Score (v) (v) chấm điểm Award (v + n) ə'wɔ:d (n) giải thưởng (v) trao giải Announce (v) ə'nauns (v) thong báo Announcement (n) Smooth (adj) smu:ð (adj) trôi chảy Smoothly (adv) Recite (v) ri'sait (v) đọc (thơ), ngâm (thơ) Apologise (v) ə'pɔlədʤaiz (v) Xin lỗi In all Tất cả - Trang | 2 -