Tài liệu bài giảng Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Unit 7 - Reading

A. Exercises
Task 1
1. Although
2. method
3. increases
4. resources
5. figures
6. limit
7. international
8. control
Task 2
1. The population of the world in 10,000 B.C was 10 million, in 1750 it was 625 million, in 1850 it 
was 1300 million, in 1950 it was 2510 million, in 1985 it was 4760 million and in 2000 it was 
6.6 billion.
2. By 2015, the population of the world is expected to be 7 billion.
3. Some scientists say it can but others say it can’t.
4. No, they don’t.
5. Because they know of no safe way to have fewer children.
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  1. Unit 7 READING (TÀI LIỆU BÀI GIẢNG) Giáo viên: NGUYỄN KIỀU OANH A. Exercises Task 1 1. Although 2. method 3. increases 4. resources 5. figures 6. limit 7. international 8. control Task 2 1. The population of the world in 10,000 B.C was 10 million, in 1750 it was 625 million, in 1850 it was 1300 million, in 1950 it was 2510 million, in 1985 it was 4760 million and in 2000 it was 6.6 billion . 2. By 2015, the population of the world is expected to be 7 billion . 3. Some scientists say it can but others say it can’t . 4. No, they don’t . 5. Because they know of no safe way to have fewer children . B. Vocabulary in reading New words Pronunciation Meaning B.C (Before Christ) Trước Công nguyên A.D (Anno Domini) Sau Công nguyên Probably (adv) 'prɔbəbli (adv) Có thể, có khả năng Double (v) 'dʌbl (v) gấp đôi Resource (n) ri'sɔ:s (n) nguồn tài nguyên Support (n+v) sə'pɔ:t (v) chu cấp, hỗ trợ (n) Sự hỗ trợ, chu cấp Limit (v) 'limit (v) hạn chế, giới hạn Limited (adj) 'limitid (adj) hạn chế, có giới hạn Growth (n) Grouθ (n) Sự gia tăng, phát triển Raise animals Reiz'æniməl Nuôi động vật Amount (n) ə'maunt (n) Số lượng - Trang | 1 -
  2. Unit 7 Petroleum (n) pə'trouliəm (n) dầu mỏ, dầu hoả Average (adj) 'ævəridʒ (adj) trung bình, bình quân Third World θə:d wə:ld Thế giới Thứ Ba Birth-control method 'bə:θ kən'troul Phương pháp hạn chế sinh đẻ 'meθəd Family planning 'fæmili'plæniη Kế hoạch hoá gia đình Available (adj) 'fæmili'plæniη (adj) Sẵn có Increase (v+n) 'inkri:s (n+v) tăng lên, sự tăng lên Decrease (v+n) 'di:kri:s (v+n) giảm xuống Journalist (n) 'dʒə:nəlist (n) nhà báo Journalism (n) 'dʒə:nəlizm nghề báo Injury (n) 'indʒəri (n) thương tích Attend (v) ə'tend (v) theo học - Trang | 2 -