Đề cương ôn thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

Rewrite the following sentences, based on the suggestion.
1- That man over there is an artist. I don’t remember his name. (a relative word)
2- The workers are working hard. Their lives are getting better. ( a relative word)
3- Miss White is an English teacher. We studied with her last year. (a relative word)
4- I saw the girl. She helped us last month. (a relative word)
5- I bought a picture. It was very valuable. (a relative word)
6-These shoes are of excellent quality. They are produced in that factory.(a relative word)
7- The highest building is on Nguyen the street. It was built in 2002. ( a to infinitive)
8- Mary is the only girl. She always brings me joys. (a to infinitive )
9- The children are very nice. They live next door . (a participle)
10- We stopped to swim in a small river. It looked very clean. (a participle)
11- The picture is very expensive. It was bought in Rome. (a participle)
12- The girl has felt better. She was injured in an accident.(a participle)
13-I’ve bought some books. I want to read them.(a to infinitive)
14-We need a garden. We can grow vegetables in it.(a to infinitive)
15-I have redecorated the sitting room.(a cleft sentence with the subject focus)
16-Huong and Sandra sang together at the party.(a cleft sentence with the subject focus)
17-The man is learn English.(a cleft sentence with the object focus)
18-Hoa borrowed the book from Long.(a cleft sentence with the object focus)
19-The little boy greeted his grandfather in a strange language.(a cleft sentence with the adverbial focus)
pdf 22 trang Yến Phương 04/07/2023 1621
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Nội dung text: Đề cương ôn thi học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

  1. ĐỀ CƯƠNG ÔN THI TIẾNG ANH LỚP 11 HỌC KÌ 2 CÓ ĐÁP ÁN NĂM 2021 - 2022 A. WRITING I. Rewrite the following sentences, using cleft sentences. 1.The English pronunciation causes a lot of trouble. 2.Animal circus makes our children most excited. 3.Swimming in a swimming pool on a hot day makes us feel healthier. 4.My husband always helps me do the housework. 5.My daughter writes this work book with me. 6.I want to see my English teacher. 7. She met her husband 25 years ago. 8.He brought the house for his daughter. 9.My son has just learned some of irregular verbs by hears. 10.I advise Lan to go out for relax after studying hard. 11.The book which I bought yesterday is very interesting. 12.I’d love to see different kinds of painting at the Trang Tien exhibition. 13.The train leaves for HoChi minh city at 8:00 a.m everyday. 14.I met my old teacher at the bus stop by accident. 15. My daughter was born in 1980. 16. Bermuda got its name in 1964 ->It was in ___ 17.I’ve lost my book ->It is my book ___ 18. I saw him in the street only last week ->It was only___ 19. You are wrong not me ->It is you___ | |
  2. 20. The meeting began at 7pm ->It was at___ Đáp án 1. It is the English pronunciation that causes a lot of trouble 2. It is animal circus that makes our children most excited 3. It is swimming in a swimming pool on a hot day that makes us feel healthier 4. It is my husband who always helps me do the housework. 5. It is my daughter who writes this work book with me. 6. It is my English teacher that I want to see. 7. It was her husband that she met 25 years ago. 8. It was the house that he brought for his daughter. 9. It has been some of irregular verbs that my son has just learned by hears. 10. It is Lan who I advise to go out for relax after studying hard. 11. It was the book that I bought yesterday is very interesting. 12. It was at the Trang Tien exhibition that I’d love to see different kinds of painting. 13. It is at 8:00 a.m that the train leaves for HoChi minh city everyday. 14. It was at the bus stop that I met my old teacher by accident. 15. It was 1980 that my daughter was born. 16. It was in 1964 that Bermuda got its name 17. It is my book that I’ve lost 18. It was only last week that I saw him in the street 19. It is you that are wrong not me 20. It was at 7 p.m that the meeting began II. Combine these pairs of sentences, using WHERE, WHICH, WHO, WHOM, WHOSE, THAT 1. The girl is sitting by Jack. She is Mary. 2. Can you understand the question? He asked you the question last time. 3. Is that the girl? We saw her on T.V last night. 4. The farm produces milk. We visited it last Sunday. | |
  3. 5. At last he married the girl. He loved her. 6. The man is an engineer. We play with his daughter everyday. 7. He didn’t receive the letter. I sent him the letter last January. 8. He often tells me something about his village. He was born there. 9. The children like the funny stories. Their grandmother tells them those stories every evening. 10. Jack London is a famous American writer. He wrote “Iron heel”. VI. Combine two sentences to make a defining relative clause or a non-defining relative clause. 1. Our teacher assigned us the homework. We had to finish it within a week. 2. Ngoc has just moved to a new school. It was built two years ago. 3. The man is selling lottery tickets. He used to be very rich. 4. Hai’s friend is a very interesting boy. He came from Da Nang. 5. Mekong Delta is located in the South of Viet Nam. It provides most of the rice for exporting. III. Combine the sentences, using relative clause replaced by participles and to infinitives 1. Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked on the moon 2. I come from a city that is located in the southern part of the country . 3. The children who attend that school receive a good education . 4. The scientists who are researching the causes of cancer are making progress . 5. They live in a house that was built in 1980 . 6. We have an apartment which overlooks the park . 7. Yuri Gagarin became the first man who flied into space . 8. We stood on the bridge which connects the two halves of the building . 9. I come from a city which is located in the southern part of the country. 10. The vegetables which are sold in this supermarket are grown without chemicals a. Reduce the following relative clauses to phrases, using to infinitive phrases. 1. He was the last person that would be considered for that position. 2. Thomas was the first man that reached the top of the mountain. 3. The first student that hands in the paper will get a small gift. 4. She was the fourth woman who finished the race. | |
  4. 5. I really don’t know the first man that traveled around the world. b. Reduce the following relative clauses to phrases, using participle phrases. 1. The man who is living next door invites us to his wedding anniversary. 2. The book which is written by Robert gets lots of attention. 3. Can Tho, which is known as a province with fertile soil conditions, is located in the middle of the Mekong River delta. 4. The victims who were injured in the accident were taken to the hospital. The message which is sent today may reach them tomorrow IV. Rewrite the following sentences, based on the suggestion. 1- That man over there is an artist. I don’t remember his name. (a relative word) 2- The workers are working hard. Their lives are getting better. ( a relative word) 3- Miss White is an English teacher. We studied with her last year. (a relative word) 4- I saw the girl. She helped us last month. (a relative word) 5- I bought a picture. It was very valuable. (a relative word) 6-These shoes are of excellent quality. They are produced in that factory.(a relative word) 7- The highest building is on Nguyen the street. It was built in 2002. ( a to infinitive) 8- Mary is the only girl. She always brings me joys. (a to infinitive ) 9- The children are very nice. They live next door . (a participle) 10- We stopped to swim in a small river. It looked very clean. (a participle) 11- The picture is very expensive. It was bought in Rome. (a participle) 12- The girl has felt better. She was injured in an accident.(a participle) 13-I’ve bought some books. I want to read them.(a to infinitive) 14-We need a garden. We can grow vegetables in it.(a to infinitive) 15-I have redecorated the sitting room.(a cleft sentence with the subject focus) 16-Huong and Sandra sang together at the party.(a cleft sentence with the subject focus) 17-The man is learn English.(a cleft sentence with the object focus) 18-Hoa borrowed the book from Long.(a cleft sentence with the object focus) 19-The little boy greeted his grandfather in a strange language.(a cleft sentence with the adverbial focus) | |
  5. 2. A person who receives something is called___ a. receive b. receipt c. recipe d. recipient 3,Fax transmission has now become a cheap and ___ way to transmit texts and graphics over distance. A. inconvenient B. convenient C. uncomfortable D. comfortable 4) If you ___ to your favourite newspapers and magazines, they will be delivered to your house early in the morning. A. buy B. book C. pay D. subscribe 5. The post office offers the___ Mail Service which is particularly fast a. Secure b. Efficient c. Express d. Reliable 6. There was no mention of the incident in the national press a. television b. newspapers c. Internet d. radio 7. We are proud of our ___ staff, who are always friendly and efficient. A. well-done B. well-appointed C. well-behaved D. well-trained 8. You can choose to send your letters by air or surface mail a. have b.like c. select d. get 9. People can buy daily ___ in many local post office in early morning. A. newspapers B. books C. postcards D. letters 10.Many rare ___ animals are in danger of extinction. A. species B. classes C. beings D. pairs 11. People are destroying the environment by adding ___ to it. A. pollutes B. pollutions C. pollutives D. pollutants 12.The Earth will be a planet where human beings, animals and plants live in peaceful ___. a. cooperation b. coordination c. corporation d. coexistence 13.We continue to ___rainforests and increase the dangers of global warming. a. cut off b. cut in c. cut out d. cut down 14. Dinosaurs became ___ millions of years go. A. disappear B. extinct C. lost D. endangered 15.The war brought death and ___ to the city. | |
  6. a. destruction b. destruct c. destroyed d. destroy 16.Are there any ___ rivers left in the world? a. pollutions b. unpolluted c. pollutant d. polluted 17. The waste from the chemical factory is extremely ___. a. harm b. harmful c. unharmed d. harmless 18.Coal and oil are non-renewable ___ sources. A. engineer B. energy C. engineering D. energetic 19.At present, most of our energy comes from fossil fuels. a. recently b. now c. that d. in fact 20.however, such reserves are strictly limited a. slightly b. slowly c. severely d. easily 22. because power demand is increasing very rapidly, fossil fuels will be exhausted within a short time. a. enabled b. tired c. bushed d. emptied 23. We should develop such ___ sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear energy. A. tradition B. alternative C. revolutionary D. surprising 24. Increased consumption will lead to faster ___ of our natural resources. A. exhaust B. exhausting C. exhaustionD. exhaustive 25. He studies ___ at university . A. ecologist B. ecological C. ecologics D. ecology 26. People have used coal and oil to ___ electricity for along time. A. generation B. generated C. generate D. generates 27. is by far the most popular pastime in Britain. A. Listening to music B. Gardening C. Reading D. Watching television 28.Recreation and entertainment are important to people anywhere in . A. America B. Asia C. the world D. Britain 29. The two most popular sporting activities in Britain are . A. Snooker and soccer B. walking and swimming C. football and rugby D. cricket and athletics | |
  7. 30. In the last few years, more and more British people have taken part in courses. A. sports B. English C. weekend or holiday D. swimming and singing 31. Making your own stock market decisions is much more than bricklaying. A. simple B. sophisticated C. enormous D. practical 32. Besides watching television, people have other . . A. pursuits B. hobbies C. interests D. All are correct. 33. The sports that people often watch are sports. A. beautiful B. spectator C. important D. home-based 34. If you agree with this suggestion; “Why don’t we try to study hard?”, how do you respond? A. I disagree with you. B. Great! C. I don’t think so. D. Let’s not do that. 35. I left it on the table . in drawer. A. either / nor B. neither / or C. either / or D. neither / nor 36. Neither you nor your monitor done the homework. A. have B. has C. had D. having 37. People who want to improve their practical skills can take a course in A. karaoke singing B. glass engraving C. painting D. “Living with more meaning” 39. Athletics is the most popular in A. spring B. fall C. summer D. winter 40. Forms of popular entertainment are . in different countries. A. the same B. different C. similar D. All are right. 41. Through a course of “Living with more meaning”, we can improve our A. art B. music C. minds D. practical skills 42.Yuri Gagarin became the first person to eat and drink in the a. weightless b. weight c. weigh d. weightlessness 43. Before Gagarin’s historic flight, there were still enormous a. accidents b. uncertainties c. certainties d. successes 44. Neither the director nor his assistant yet. | |
  8. a. haven’t come b. has come c. have come d. hasn’t come 45. It’s . sweet tea that I can’t drink it. a. so b. very c. such d. too 46. I think you better not tell him the truth. a. had b. would c. should d. will 47. Don’t go out .the rain without an umbrella. a. in b. under c. through d. of 48. I was very angry Tom because he was rude me. a. about/with b. at/with c. with/about d. with/to 49. The subject , we are going to discuss , is very important. a. who b. that c. which d. a and c 50. He bought an air conditioner and in stalled .him self. a. then b . it c. him d. your 51. When I was six, I ride a bike. a. can b. could c. was able to d. was 52 The player hurt in his leg, but he play to the end. a. can’t b. could c. couldn’t d. was able to 53. At last we .reach the top of the mountain. a. could b. couldn’t c. were able to d. can 54. He’ll go to college, .he? a. will b. won’t c. doesn’t d. does 55. Please keep silent in the room, .you? a. do b. don’t c. will d. shall Choose a,b,c ord that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one. 1. How many sport are there .the 14th Asain Games? a. in b. on c. at d.to 2. Do you know when the 2006 Asian games took place? | |
  9. a. happened b. deepened c. added d. struggled 3. Only 489 athletes took part in the 1st Asian Games. a. participated in b. got rid of c. gave up d. added to 4. Korea was choosen tobe .of the 2002 Asian Games. a. athlete b. host c. participant d. guest 5. is the way of life, especially the general sustoms and beliefs, of a particular group of people at aparticular time. a. Friendship b. Solidarity c. Event d. Culture 6. After the accident he lost his .for the sport. a. enthusiasmb. enthusiast c. enthusiastic d. enthusiastically 7. The Asian games take every four years for the countries in the Asia to compete. a. seat b. stand c. place d. spot 8. Simming is one of the sport. a. mountainous b. aquatic c. racing d. running 9. can help an athelete to improve the strenght of muscles and the appreance of the body. a. Shooting b. Table tennis c. Weightlifting d. Playing chess 10. All sportmen that take part in the Olympic games must beamateur a.athletes b. athletic c. atheletically d.athleticism 11.On some special occasions, people often march and demonstrate to show their a. nation b. event c. culture d. solidarity 12.The winners of each event were presented with gold, silver, and bronze a. flags b.banners c. medals d. sheet 13. is the sport fo fighting with long thin swords. a. Basketball b. Fencing c. Hockey d. Wrestling 14. All the international games have been developed in all , from the qualitty of the atheletes to the sports equipment. a. kinds b.sorts c. types d.aspects 15. .is a sport in which two competiors fight by hitting each other with their hands. | |
  10. a. Football b. Fencing c. Wrestling d. Boxing 16. He rang James, a good friend as well as his trainer. a. who was b. that was c. being d. tobe 17. came from France were reallymore friendly than any others. a. The athletes, that b. The atheletes whom c. The atheletes who d. The athletes which 18. That is Mr Pike, a referee, i told you about. a. that b. which c. whom d. whose 19. He took out a photo of Pele, .he adored a. whose b. whom c. that d. which 20.The athelete could not compete because of his injury. a. about I told you b. about I told you c. whom I told you d. I told you 21.The official, the drug was found, has been arrested. a. in whose car b. in which car c. car in which d. in that car 22. The boy are talking about the exciting match on TV. a. seeing b. they saw c. whom they saw d. to see 23. Thousands of people along the road watched the bicycle racing. a. stand b. that stand c. standing d. stood 24. The death of his son was an experience from he never fully recovered. a. when b. why c. that d. which 25. The gymnasium has just equipped with some new sports a. facilities b. events c. athletes d. medals 26. It is said that there will be some more new sports added the Games a. in b. for c. with d. to Choose the best answer (RELATIVE PRONOUN WITH PREPOSITION) 1. “Hurry up!” “___ a minute – I’m just coming.” | |
  11. A. Hold up B. Hang on C. Back up D. Hold off 2. “Are we going to the movies tonight?” “Not today, I’m ___ tired.” A. rather B. reasonablyC. partly D. far 3. The woman ___ I was looking smiled. A. at whose B. for whom C. at whomD. at which 4. The flat ___ he lived was dirty. A. in which B. in what C. to which D. to whom 5. He is the boy ___ I went to school. A. with which B. to whom C. with whom D. to which 6. The woman ___ I told you works in our school. A. about which B. to which C. to whom D. about whom 7. Pam is the friend ___ she lives. A. to whom B. with whom C. who D. whom 8. The music ___ we are listening is very wonderful. A. which B. to which C. with which D. who 9. The bus ___ I go to work is very fast. A. on which B. to which C. that D. to that 10. The man ___ I work is very nice. A. whose B. who C. for whom D. which Choose the best answer (PARTICIPLES or TO INFINITIVE) 1. Do you know the girl a long white dress? a. wears b. to wear c. wear d. wearing 2. The house 40 years ago is still in good condition. a. which built b. to build c. built d. building 3. I like the food .by my mother. a. was cooked b. cooked c. which cooked d. cooking 4. The man at the back board is our teacher. | |
  12. a. stood b. stands c. standing d. to stand 5. Armstrong was the first astronaut onto the moon a. to step b. stepping c. stepped d. steps 6. The car toward us looks modern. a. comes b. coming c. came d. to come 7. The bank manager was the second person by the robbers a. to be killed b. who killed c. killing d. kills 8. The trees . Our village are bamboo ones a. to surround b. surrounding c. surrounded d. surround Choose a,b,c or d that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one. 1. Tommy decided to his interest in working a profestional footballer. a. take part inb. pursuit c. pay d. practise 2. teenagers have a to imitate their idols, and collect their pictures as a hobby. a. way b. trend c. path d. show 3. Football is a sport that attracts the most spectators. a. viewers b. players c. observers d. reporters 4. Football has gained in since the time it appeared. a. popular b. popularly c. popularity d. popularize 5. I cannot play any sports, but I find it interesting to a. watch b. notice c. observe d. look 6. Which is the most popular recreation summer? a. for b. at c. on d. in 7. Some training courses can provide people practical skills. a. from b. on c. for d. with 8. What are you interested .doing in your free time? a. for b. in c. over d.on 9. There are several sophisticated hobbies that require hobbyist a lot of time and money. | |
  13. a. complex b. simple c. easy d. pleasant 10. His English speaking ability is better and better. It has been a. entertained b. improved c. viewed d. paid 11. In some countries, women’s rights are not equal .men’s. a. for b. with c. from d. to 12. There are many other pursuits such as listening to music, reading and gardening. a.hobbies b. sports c. cources d. decisions 13. is a particular activity that somebody does when he is not working. a. Saying b. Recreation c. Leisure d. Popularity 14. Our recreation is quite different yours. a. between b. among c. with d. from 15. He got a schorlarship so his parents did not have to pay his school a. report b. fee c. equipment d. master Choose a,b,c ord that best completes each unfinished sentence, substitutes the underlined part; or has a close meaning to the original one. 1. Many spacemen could never get back to the Earth because of .accidents. a. tragedy b. tragic c. tragically d. tragedies 2. Since the former days,stars have cosmologists all over the world. a. attact b. attraction c. attracted d. attractive 3. He finds it difficult for him to recover from his son’s . a. die b. dead c. deadly d. death 4. He failed again,which was a/an dissapointment. a. enormous b. big c. wide d. large 5. in 1957 the Soviet Union launched the first satellite to orbit the Earth. a. circle b. fly c. get back to d. attract 6. The flight will take approximately three weeks. a. closely b.exactly c. about d.precisely 7. .is the empty area outside the Erth’s atmostphere, where the planets and the atars are. | |
  14. a. The Sun b. The earth c. The moon d. Space 8. How long did Yuri Gagarin’s trip into space ?-Only 108 minutes. a. lengthen b. last c. late d. strengthen 9. There’s a special area at the airport where you can view aircraft taking off and landing. a. look b. watch c. notice d. stare 10. When .astronaut travels into space, if a technical failure happens, he can never get back to Earth. a. a/an b.O/an c. an/O d. the/O 11. Do human beings have any problem to survive .weightlessness? a. for b. at c. in d. on 12. The spaceship was launched into space the speed of 25,000 miles per hour. a. in b. at c. on d. with 13. Do it .the way that I have ever told you. a. by b.on c. at d. in 14. You right, I suppose. a. could be b. was able to be c. can be d. was not able to forget 15. Don’t worry, they .to phone. a. could forget b. were able to forget c. could have just forgotten d. were not able to forget 16. Help me with housework, .? a. don’t you b. do you c. will you d. won’t you 17. You have ever heard aboutYuri gagarin, ? a. do you b. haven’t you c. don’t you d. didn’t you 18. Jenny .leave the hospital only for days after the operation. a. was able tob. could c. can d. will be able to 19. At last, they get through the mountain in such a heavy rain. a. can b. could c. are able to d. were able to 20. your cell phone? | |
  15. a. I can borrow b. could I borrow c. Am I able to d. Was able to 21. Despite yesterday snowfalls, we arrive at school on time. a. could b. couldn’t c. were able to d. weren’t able to 22. The girl .tell what had happened to her after she had been unconcious for three days. a. could b. will be able to c. can d. was able to 23. They used to work as astronauts, ? a. don’t they b. weren’t they c. did they d. didn’t they 24. A spaceship is one of the extraordinary of human beings. a. feats b. moments c. reactions d. tentions 25. .is a feeling of worry and anxiety which makes it difficult for you to relax. a. Precision b. Tention c. Weightlessness d. Satisfaction 26. Can we never know precisely what would happen in space? a. interestedly b. approximately c. amusing d. exactly 27. The footballer play again in spite of his severe injury. a. could not b. could not c. was able tod. was not able to 28. Let’s begin the meeting, ? a. don’t we b. do us c. were you d. shall we 29. You did not read anything about the space, .? a. didn’t you b. did you c. were you d. weren’t you 30. Go with us, ? a. will you b. won’t you c. shall we d. shalln’t us Choose the antonym (từ phản nghĩa) of the underlined word: 1.There are number of things I like to do in my free time. A. pleasure B. precious C. busy D. idle 2.My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play. A. unimpaired B. unskilled C. ill-educated D. unqualified 3.Now I can play a few simple tune. | |
  16. A. compound B. plain C. easy D. complicated 4.He advised me to practise playing the guitar regularly. A. unusually B. commonlyC. freely D. completely 5.I have a modest little glass fish tank where I keep a variety of small fish. A. limited B. excessive C. conceited D. moderate 6.I always remove the stamps before discarding the envelopes. A. dispending B. disposing C. dumping D. keeping Choose the synonym (từ đồng nghĩa) of the underlined word: 1. However, form of popular entertainment are different in different countries. A. same B.unlike C. unusual D. various 2. In Britain, the most common leisure activities are home-based A. regular B. popular C. familiar D. uncommon D .MISTAKES * Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 1. Your grandfather could speak five languages, could he? A B C D 2.She spoke in a very low voice, but I can understand what she said. A B C D 3. I used to be to stand on my head but I can’t be able to do it now. A B C D 4.The trip was cancelled lask week. John couldn’t go away because he was ill. A B C D 5. On 15th October in 2003, China launched its first manned spacecraft into space, wasn’t it? A B C D 6. It was at the shop which she bought a wonderful present for him on his birthday. A B C D 7. This school is only for children their first language is not English. A B C D | |
  17. 8.John was the last man reached the top of the mountain in the contest held last year. A B C D 9.Using bicycles in big cities is good because they are not only clean and easy to park. A B C D 10.The song to that we listened last night was beautiful. A B C D 11. Do you get on with the person whom lives next door? A B C D 12.The Great Wall of China reported to have been built in the late of 1400s. A B C D 13. That sign isn’t too small to read, isn’t it? A B C D 14.Neither Lam nor his brothers don’t like horror films. A B C D 15.The last person leaving the room must turn off the light. A B C D 16. My close friend, that I’ve lost touch with for 3 years, has just returned from India. A B C D 17. He is the second person be killed in that way. A B C D 18. They work in a hospital sponsoring by the government. A B C D 19. You’re going to Helsinki this weekend, haven’t you? A B C D 20. Both Tom with Ann were late for class A B C D | |