Đề kiểm tra cuối học kì 1 Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Mã đề 911 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

Câu 7: “I really love this place.”   - “ ____________________.” 
A. So do I. B. Yes, I am. C. I agree with them. D. Neither do I. 
Câu 8: The lifeboat was launched at once to rescue the four fishermen. 
A. immediately B. slowly C. excitedly D. carefully 
Câu 9: She has always wanted a new hat ____ the one her favourite singer wore in one of her video clips. 
A. similar B. like C. the same D. so as 
Câu 10: A _______ is a person that officially decides who is the winner of a competition. 
A. poet B. sponsor C. judge D. participant 
Câu 11: I don’t like Tom. However, as a _________ of mine, he is also invited. 
A. relations B. relative C. relating D. related 
Câu 12: If you have back ________, you should avoid lifting heavy objects. 
A. problems B. difficulty C. disadvantages D. suffering 
Câu 13: Some scientists say that there are enough resources to ________ 8 billion people. 
A. distribute B. provide C. raise D. support 
Câu 14: “Would you rather have wine or coke?” - “________________”. 
A. None, please. B. Sure thing. C. It doesn’t matter. D. No problem. 
Câu 15: Despite many changes in his life, he remained loyal ______ his work principles. 
A. with B. about C. of D. to 
Câu 16: “Would you like to spend the weekend with us?” They _______ her to spend the weekend with them. 
A. invited B. ordered C. advised D. begged 
Câu 17: Most students appreciate __________ a foreign language through the Internet. 
A. learn B. learnt C. learning D. to learn
pdf 3 trang Phan Bảo Khanh 14/08/2023 2540
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  1. ENGLISH FIRST TERM TEST GRADE 11 (2021-2022) Code: 911 Time: 45 minutes A. MULTIPLE CHOICE I. PHONETICS: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others Câu 1: A. account B. sound C. enough D. found Câu 2: A. needed B. trusted C. included D. liked Câu 3: A. beach B. machine C. touch D. cherish II. STRESS: Choose the word which has stress pattern different from the others Câu 4: A. after B. inform C. complain D. suppose Câu 5: A. blossom B. birthday C. orange D. polite III. WORD CHOICE & SPEAKING Câu 6: A: “Is Dane in?” B: “No, he’s out.” A: “___” A. Would you like to leave him a message? B. You’re welcome! C. Please tell him that Lisa called. Thank you. D. I need the message. Câu 7: “I really love this place.” - “ ___.” A. So do I. B. Yes, I am. C. I agree with them. D. Neither do I. Câu 8: The lifeboat was launched at once to rescue the four fishermen. A. immediately B. slowly C. excitedly D. carefully Câu 9: She has always wanted a new hat ___ the one her favourite singer wore in one of her video clips. A. similar B. like C. the same D. so as Câu 10: A ___ is a person that officially decides who is the winner of a competition. A. poet B. sponsor C. judge D. participant Câu 11: I don’t like Tom. However, as a ___ of mine, he is also invited. A. relations B. relative C. relating D. related Câu 12: If you have back ___, you should avoid lifting heavy objects. A. problems B. difficulty C. disadvantages D. suffering Câu 13: Some scientists say that there are enough resources to ___ 8 billion people. A. distribute B. provide C. raise D. support Câu 14: “Would you rather have wine or coke?” - “___”. A. None, please. B. Sure thing. C. It doesn’t matter. D. No problem. Câu 15: Despite many changes in his life, he remained loyal ___ his work principles. A. with B. about C. of D. to IV. GRAMMAR Câu 16: “Would you like to spend the weekend with us?” They ___ her to spend the weekend with them. A. invited B. ordered C. advised D. begged Câu 17: Most students appreciate ___ a foreign language through the Internet. A. learn B. learnt C. learning D. to learn Câu 18: If you had taken my advice, we ___ our way. A. will lose B. had lost C. lost D. wouldn’t have lost Câu 19: Daisy said if she ___ me she would not buy that house. A. had been B. is C. has been D. were Câu 20: “Don’t talk in class”, the teacher said. A. The teacher told his students not talking in class. B. The teacher told his students not to talk in class. C. The teacher told his students do not talk in class. D. The teacher told his students did not talk in class. Câu 21: The police suspect him of ___ stolen goods. A. try selling B. trying to sell C. trying selling D. try to sell Câu 22: I ___ no difficulty in learning English since I ___ to learn it six years ago. A. am having / begin B. had had / begin C. have had / began D. had / has begun Câu 23: It is very kind of you ___ me the direction. A. gave B. to give C. given D. giving Câu 24: ___ his own boss for such a long time, he found it hard to accept orders from another. A. To be B. Been C. Have been D. Having been Câu 25: Smoking ___ bad for our health, so my father ___ three years ago. A. is / stopped smoking B. is / has stopped smoking C. was / stopped smoking D. is / stopped to smoke V. GAP FILLING: Six of the Earth's seven (26)___ are permanently inhabited on a large scale. Asia is the most populous continent, with its 4.64 billion inhabitants accounting for 60% of the world population. The world's two (27)___ populated countries, Trang 1/2 - Mã đề thi 911
  2. China (28)___ India, together constitute about 36% of the world's population. Africa is the second most populated continent, with (29)___ 1.34 billion people, or 17% of the world's population. Europe's 747 million people (30)___ up 10% of the world's population as of 2020, while the Latin American and Caribbean regions are home to around 653 million (8%) Câu 26: A. countries B. areas C. places D. continents Câu 27: A. more B. much C. many D. most Câu 28: A. as B. and C. over D. or Câu 29: A. amount B. more C. about D. less Câu 30: A. account B. count C. make D. create VI. READING: When I was a young boy, I knew exactly who Santa Claus was. He was a fat, friendly, old man with a long, white beard that visited my home once a year to put lots and lots of toys under the Christmas tree. He came only if my sister and I had been good – and only if we were asleep. Then, early the next morning, after we woke up, we ran downstairs to open all our gifts (I never understood why my parents always seemed so tired on Christmas morning). As I got older, however, I stopped believing in Santa Claus. Many years later, I asked myself the question, “Who is Santa Claus really?” The answer surprised me. Santa Claus was a real person. He was a Greek man, a Christian called Saint Nicholas who lived about 1,700 years ago in the area that is now Turkey. He was famous because he gave many gifts to poor people. About a thousand years later, many people in Europe began the tradition of giving gifts to children to remember Saint Nicholas. The modern picture of Santa Claus – an old man dressed in red and white, with a long white beard – started about two hundred years ago in the United States and Canada. Nowadays, he is also known as Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, Santy or just Santa. Saint Nicholas died a very long time ago but I like to believe that the real “Santa Claus” lives in all of us. He is the goodness and love in our hearts that reminds us that true happiness comes from giving to other people. Câu 31: What did the man do when he was a boy? A. On Christmas Eve, he stayed awake all night long. B. He slept a lot at Christmas. C. He opened his gifts on Christmas morning. D. He put lots of toys under a Christmas tree. Câu 32: When did the man stop believing in Santa Claus? A. When he was a young boy. B. When he grew up. C. When he received more toys from Santa Claus. D. When his sister told him that Santa Claus was not real. Câu 33: Saint Nick was famous for ___. A. having an appearance like Santa Claus B. giving gifts to rich children C. helping many people D. living in Turkey Câu 34: All the names below refer to Santa Claus EXCEPT ___. A. Santa Fe B. Father Christmas C. Kris Kringle D. Saint Nicholas Câu 35: According to the passage, which statement is NOT correct? A. The author believes that giving brings happiness. B. As a young boy, the author depicted Santa as a fat, friendly, old man with a long, white beard. C. The practice of gift-giving to children was to remember Saint Nicholas. D. The modern image of Santa dates back to 1700 years in Turkey. VII. ERROR RECOGNITION Câu 36: Peter told me (A) not to stay (B) up late and advised (C) me going (D) to bed early. Câu 37: In (A) the end, she (B) admitted to have (C) driven the car without (D) insurance. Câu 38: My uncle said that (A) he would have keep (B) a horse if (C) he had been able to (D) afford it. Câu 39: Watch (A) the news (B) every day, we know (C) what’s going on in the (D) world. Câu 40: Genetic science had (A) developed dramatically(B) since I entered the (C) field 40 years ago (D). B. WRITING: VII. WORD FORM: Complete each sentence below by choosing the correct form of the words given in brackets. 41. They were bitterly ___ at the result of the game. (DISAPPOINT) 42. There was a rapid ___ in the numbers of private cars. (GROWN) 43. I need to ___ this skirt. (LONG) 44. I can remember the ___ of winning that game. (EXCITE) 45. Many people said they would ___ accept a tax increase if the money went to health and education. (HAPPY) VIII. TRANSFORMATION: Complete the sentences so that the meaning stays the same. Do not change the word given. You must use between 3-5 words, including the word given. 46. How long have they got engaged? (GET) When ___ engaged? 47. I dislike people laughing at me. (BEING) I dislike ___. 48. Since I had not seen him for ages, I didn’t recognize him. (HAVING) Not ___ ages, I didn’t recognize him. 49. Mrs Brown said, “I don’t allow smoking in my room.” (ALLOW) Mrs Brown said ___ smoking in her room. 50. There were not enough chairs. We had to stand during the lecture. (HAD) If ___ enough chairs, we wouldn’t have had to stand during the lecture. HẾT Trang 2/2 - Mã đề thi 911
  3. 911 912 913 914 1 C A A D ENGLISH FIRST TERM TEST GRADE 11 (2021-2022) 2 D A A D 3 B D D C 4 A D B D 5 D C B D VII. WORD FORM: 6 C B D B 41: disappointed 7 A B C B 42: growth 8 A C A A 43: lengthen 9 B D B D 44: excitement 10 C D B D 45: happily 11 B C D A VIII. TRANSFORMATION: 3-5 words 12 A D A A 46: did you get 13 D A D B 47: being laughed at (by people) 14 A B C D 48: having seen him for 49: (that) she didn’t allow 15 D A A D 50: there had been 16 A A B A 17 C B A D 18 D D D C 19 D B A C 20 B B C C 21 B D C B 22 C A C B 23 B D C A 24 D C D C 25 A C C C 26 D C D C 27 D C C C 28 B C D B 29 C C B D 30 C A D B 31 C D D B 32 B D B A 33 C A C A 34 A B B A 35 D B A C 36 D A D A 37 C D B D 38 B A A A 39 A C A C 40 A B C B