Đề thi khảo sát chất lượng học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Đề 3 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)


Choose   from the four options given (marked  A, B, C and D) one best answer to complete each sentence

 1.  Lisa's been able to play the piano since she was six, ____?

        A.  wasn't he                        B.  hasn't she                   C.  isn't she                       D.  has not she

 2.   The woman felt proud of her husband. She lived next door.

        A. The woman who living next door felt proud of her husband .                     

        B. The woman who lived next door felt proud of her husband .

        C. The woman who lives next door felt proud of her husband .

        D.  The woman lived next door felt proud of her husband .                              

 3. Everybody congratulated the astronauts ____ their successful trip into space.

        A.  for                                   B.  of                                C.  in                                 D. on       

 4. From the four underlined words or phrases A,B,C, or D, identify the one that is not correct.

  Neither James or his brother has been come to Paris

                          A  B                            C          D              

 5.  Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. 

        A.  hoped                             B. admired                       C. missed                          D.  looked           

doc 6 trang Yến Phương 15/03/2023 2200
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Nội dung text: Đề thi khảo sát chất lượng học kì 2 Tiếng Anh Lớp 11 - Đề 3 - Năm học 2021-2022 (Có đáp án)

  1. TRƯỜNG THPT ĐỀ THI KHẢO SÁT CHẤT LƯỢNG HỌC KỲ II NĂM HỌC 2021-2022 MÔN: TIẾNG ANH – LỚP 11 Thời gian: 45 phút làm bài I. GRAMMAR-STRUCTURE-VOCABULARY(7,5ms) Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C and D) one best answer to complete each sentence 1. Lisa's been able to play the piano since she was six, ___? A. wasn't heB. hasn't sheC. isn't sheD. has not she 2. The woman felt proud of her husband. She lived next door. A. The woman who living next door felt proud of her husband . B. The woman who lived next door felt proud of her husband . C. The woman who lives next door felt proud of her husband . D. The woman lived next door felt proud of her husband . 3. Everybody congratulated the astronauts ___ their successful trip into space. A. forB. ofC. inD. on 4. From the four underlined words or phrases A,B,C, or D, identify the one that is not correct. Neither James or his brother has been come to Paris. A B C D 5. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. A. hopedB. admiredC. missedD. looked 6. From the four underlined words or phrases A,B,C, or D, identify the one that is not correct. This year, that is for the first time, the event is open to all amateur athletes along with the traditional professional. A B C D 7. ___ I bought the golden fish. A. It was from this shop thatB. It was this shop which C. It was this shop thatD. I was from this shop where 8. Despite the bad weather, he ___ get to the airport in time. A. couldn't B. canC. was able to D. almost 9. EMS stand for ___. A. Express Mail ServiceB. Electronic Mail Service C. Economic Mail Service D. Environment management Service 10. ___in 2001 that the World Trade Center was destroyed.
  2. A. It was B. What wasC. It isD. Which was 11. You should not indulge yourself ___ anything that can form a bad habit. A. onB. atC. inD. for 12. He is very good at ___ people singing with his guitar. A. accompanying B. makingC. having D. getting 13. When the sky is blue and the sun is shining, you may say to your friends "___" A. What a beautiful day, is it?B. A beautiful day, is not it? C. It's not a beautiful day. D.It's a beautiful day, isn't it? 14. Many rare ___ of animals are in danger of extinction. A. speciesB. pairsC. beings D. classes 15. I left it ___ on the table ___ in the drawer. A. neither - orB. either - norC. either - either D. either - or 16. She is not intelligent, and she is not beautiful A. She is either intelligent or beautifulB. She is not only intelligent but also beautiful C. She is not intelligent nor beautifulD. She is neither intelligent nor beautiful 17. "What sports do you like?". " " A. Yes, it is my favorite sportB. Well, I love volleyball and soccer C. No, I don't.D. I think it's boring 18. "How many times a week do you play tennis?"- " ." A. At the stadiumB. At least four timesC. Not very well D. I like it, too 19. What are you interested ___ doing in your free time? A. overB. onC. forD. in 20. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. A. avid B. admire C. varietyD. while 21. ___ Julia ___ her sister are going to the park. A. Not only-but alsoB. Neither-norC. Either -nor D. Both-and 22. I ___ the film last night because I ___ it several times before. A. did not see / had seenB. have not seen / see C. do not see / have seenD. had not seen / saw 23. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest. A. provides B. textsC. helps D. documents 24. When the telephone rang , she . a letter.
  3. A. was written B. writesC. wrote D. was writing 25. "Hi, sorry, I'm late." " " A. That's OK.B. Pleased to meet you.C. Hi, my name's Jim D. Hi, I'm from Canada 26. From the four underlined words or phrases A,B,C, or D, identify the one that is not correct. She hardly dances beautifully or sings well, doesn't she? A B C D 27. From the four underlined words or phrases A,B,C, or D, identify the one that is not correct. He is the second person be killed in that way. A B C D 28. Which of the following leisure activities do you think British people often do in their spare time? The word "spare" is closest in meaning to "___". A. absentB. freeC. lost D. empty 29. We have apartment ___ the park. A. overlookedB. overlookingC. to overlook D. overlooks 30. How long waiting for me? Just a few minutes. A. are you B. have you been C. were you D. had you been II. READING (2,5 ms) A- Choose the item among A,B,C or D that best answers the question from 31 to 35 about the passage Millions of people of all ages enjoy a hobby which is both interesting and fun. And every year, more and more people start a stamp collection (31) their own and discover an interest which can last a lifetime. Starting your collection is easy (32) .stamps can be found everywhere. Holiday postcards from friends, birthday cards from relatives and letters from pen pals can all (33) you with stamps from all over the world. But once you have started collecting (34) , you will probably want to join the Stamp Collectors’ Club which (35) .to provide collectors with new British stamps. 31. A. of B. for C. from D. on 32. A. moreoverB. because C. furthermore D. addition 33. A. exportB. provide C. consider D. take 34. A. attractiveB. competitive C. greatD. seriously 35. A. ownB. survive C. existsD. live B- Read the passage and answer the questions from 36 to 40 that follow by circling the corresponding letter A,B,C, or D. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) safeguards hundreds of species around the world, but we focus species attention on our flagship species: giant pandas, tigers, endangered whales and dolphins, rhinos, elephant, marine turtles and great apes. These species not only need species measures and extra protection in order to survive, they also serve as “umbrella” species: helping them helps numerous other species that live in the same habitats where animals or plants are normally found. In addition to our flagship animals, we work to protect numerous species in peril around the world that live within our priority eco-regions. Laree predators like snow leopards and grizzly bears, migratory species like whooping cranes and songbirds, and a host of other species
  4. facing threats also benefit from WWF’ s conservation efforts. Our wildlife trade experts at “traffic” work to ensure that trade wildlife products, doesn’t harm a species, while also fighting against illegal and unsustainable trade. WWF is known for acting sound science. Science leads and guides us strategies and approaches, from the way to restore tigers in viable, breed population to decide which areas need protection the most. 36. What does WWF stand for? A. World Wildlife Fund. B. World Wildlife Food. C. World Wildlife Formation. D. World Website Fund. 37. How many species do we pay much attention to? A. 8 B. 5 C. 7 D. 9 38. What is the meaning of the world habitats in pharagraph 1? A. The place where animals or plants are normally found. B. The place where animals or plants can drink and sleep C. The place where animals or plants can eat find their enemy. D. The place where animals can find and keep their body warm. 39. What can science help us in safeguarding endangered species? A. Lead and guide strategies and approaches. B. Find the way to kill all species easily. C. Discover another habitat of animal. D. Search for a food source for animals. 40. Which of the following is not stated in the passage? A. WWF safeguards hundreds of species around the world. B. These above species need extra protection so as not to be extinct. C. WWF is known for acting on sound science. D. All species are so fierce that scientists can’t take care of them.
  5. KEYS: Đáp án mã đề: 149 01. B; 02. B; 03. D; 04. A; 05. B; 06. B; 07. A; 08. C; 09. A; 10. A; 11. C; 12. A; 13. D; 14. A; 15. D; 16. D; 17. B; 18. B; 19. D; 20. A; 21. D; 22. A; 23. A; 24. C; 25. A; 26. D; 27. B; 28. B; 29. B; 30. B; 31. A; 32. B; 33. B; 34. D; 35. C; 36. A; 37. A; 38. A; 39. A; 40. D;
  6. TEST MATRIX OF THE EXAMINATION- GRADE 11 Knowledge Comprehension Application Total Topics I. Phonetics ( 3 questions, 0,25 marks for each question) 3 3 II. Structures and vocabulary - The usage of tense 1 1 1 -Communication structures 1 1 - Relative clause 1 1 1 - Article 1 1 1 - Cleft sentences 1 1 20 -Vocabulary 1 1 -Could/was able to 1 -Preposition 1 1 -Conjunction 1 -Tag questions 1 III. Reading - Choose correct words to fill in the 2 2 1 blanks(questions × 0,25) 10 - Reading comprehension(questions × 0,25) 2 2 1 IV. Writing - Identifying error 1 1 2 (4 questions × 0,25) 7 - Rewrite sentences with the same meaning(3 1 1 1 questions × 0,25 ) Total sentences 17 14 9 40 Total marks 4,25 3,5 2,25 10 Total percentage 42,5% 35% 22,5% 100%